
Word. If you wouldn’t want your boss to see it, don’t put it on the internet. Everybody needs to vent, but you do not need the approval of hundreds of people you barely know on your venting. Talk to your cat instead.

Yeah, exactly. Look at how many parents who presumably love and wanted their kids end up going abusive. If you take somebody who has no biological tie to the children and already knows she doesn’t like children in large groups ... it could get very bad for the kids very fast.

Y’know, I may be fussy, but I’d prefer the people looking after my kids did not publicly hate the very idea of doing so for a job. Sounds like the daycare dodged a bullet.

Yeah, either I phrased it badly or you’re having reading comprehension issues. What I was trying to say is that if the girls wanted their photos on Instagram, they weren’t violated. I don’t particularly think teens should be punished for consensually sharing naked selfies to begin with, but if they are, it should go

You are making a lot of assumptions I can't see the logic behind.

Hey, at least I know her last name only has one h.

I’d need to know more about the girls’ participation to have an opinion. If they thought they were just sharing photos with one person, I don't think they should be punished. But if they knew about the Instagram account, it is kind of wack if the guys get punished for sharing and the girls don't get punished for

Take their money and shuffle her along, apparently. It’s not the school’s job to ensure she gets an education.

Yeah, the full letter is MUCH more sympathetic than the headline makes it sound. They weren’t trying to kick her out for being sick, they were saying they didn’t have the resources to teach a child who only showed up to one day of school out of every four. That’s ... a fairly reasonable position for a private

Answer 1: When we play “who has it worst” everyone loses. Trans people have been attacked for who they are for hundreds of years — if the attention now is slightly disproportionate, it’s only making up for lost time. (Also, outside the social justice world people can still be deeply nasty about this issue.)

You are taking a one-sentence internet comment way too literally.

As a matter of fact, I am a working journalist. And my publication, like publications everywhere, uses “alleged” all the time. Why? Because flat-out saying someone did something they have never been charged with, let alone convicted of, is both irresponsible and a good way to get sued for libel.

I don’t think it’s accurate or fair to assume conventionally attractive women aren’t rational human beings, as capable of evaluating their options as anybody else. If your choices are waiting tables or getting paid to party with rich old guys and take your clothes off once in a while ... there’s no question which job

I think Cosby is guilty and should give all his money to his victims and spend the rest of his life cleaning truck stop restrooms with his tongue.

Exactly. And the offenses are getting worse. The first time it was just underage drinking, which is no big deal in the grand scheme of things. Then he got drunk on a flight and was disruptive and violent enough that the airline summoned the cops. And now it’s drunk driving, which directly puts other people’s lives at

I agree this is of limited relevance to Paul’s campaign. William is an adult, and Rand isn’t running on a lock-everybody-up platform. He might be an enabling parent; he might also be a good parent whose grown child is doing some not-great stuff right now.

Somebody (not me) should go back through the dirtbags and see how many consecutive weeks Jennifer Aniston has been pregnant for. I’m starting to get quite concerned.

Thanks, I wasn’t clear.

Bingo. I think he was trying to avoid what Benedict Cumberbatch had to deal with when similar information came out, and it backfired spectacularly.