
Oh, I agree, that one is pretty hard to find any possible context for.

Do college debaters necessarily believe what they say in debates? I thought it was about defending an assigned point of view (even if you personally disagree) more than about expressing your own opinions.

I mean, my son tries to barge in, because he is three and does not always have the best grasp of social niceties. And I tell him I’ll be out in a minute and he goes and that’s that.

I think it’s just that poop is more fun to say than pee? Also, peeing is usually pretty fast. Pooping, you can end up hanging out there for a while, so it makes more sense the kid would need a snack while you were still engaged.

I don’t think anybody is saying you should feed in the bathroom at home. Also, sitting on a toilet seat with your clothes on =/= actually pooping.

He is a complete antisocial asshole. But i’d probably let it go at the note and not eating anything he touched. Maybe move the pans and knives you like to your room so he can’t contaminate them.

Only if you let it be. The rest of us plop the kid in the crib or in front of Sesame Street and take the minute to pee ALL BY OURSELVES.

Word. It’s the most peaceful place in my life sometimes.

How would that work? I thought the whole point of safe haven was you drop off the baby and walk out, no questions asked. If you have to leave identifying information that would let them track you down on drug charges, doesn’t that sort of defeat the point?

Not true, actually, though they do oppose abortion. The religion is big on children as a blessing, but you’re allowed to use contraception if you can’t care for more kids, either financially or in terms of the parents’ physical/mental health.

That is a different question from what I asked. School lunch numbers are skewed because, in high poverty areas, a lot of the wealthier kids aren’t in public schools. And yes, we agree that there are many many problems with the American approach to sex ed and the availability of contraception, but that’s also not the

OK, but birth control failures would be just as likely to happen later than ideal than earlier. Many of the 18-month gaps are going to be unplanned, but not all. I was talking about planned pregnancies only.

Do you have a link on that? Not trying to be a dick or say those things aren’t problems, but “most mothers” doesn’t sound right.

Pretty sure this is directly tied to lack of paid maternity leave. If your income is going to take a hit for having infants, better to get all the rough years over with at once. I guess you could argue that longer spacing = more time to save up for the next baby, but we all know Americans suck at saving no matter

OK, but what if there were 12 embryos and each was implanted in a surrogate? Should Vergara be on the hook for child support for all of them?

Except that kidnapping by strangers is ridiculously rare. Also, the baby’s one — if he’s alone for long enough to go to a stranger anyhow, something already went wrong.

Mine would mainly be disappointed I’m not edgier. I was not supposed to be a suburban mom; I was supposed to go to New York and be a brilliant magazine journalist.

I’ve seen it a lot. If they broke up over one wanting kids and the other not, which is not exactly uncommon at her age, and the new guy’s on the same page as she is on that one, why wait? It’s not as though she needs to put it off to make more money or establish her career or whatever.

No, but the ones who faced the greatest odds deserve special recognition. Eleanor was smart and compassionate and brave, and I bet if she was here she’d say the other women (also smart and compassionate and brave, and without he cushion having been born to money and power provides) deserved the honor of being on the

Yep. I’d be uncomfortable putting her on money due to the eugenics factor. But in terms of positive practical impact on the day-to-day lives of all women, Sanger did more than almost anyone else on the list.