
Wait, it’s not a typo for “talking about”? Not that that makes a ton of sense either but it was the closest I could figure.

Dude, no way. I had a personal webpage on my university server at 18 and a while back I looked it up on Wayback for the lulz.

Excuse you, *I* am dating Evan Peters.

Pretty sure you’re still in the edit window?

My kids got my husband's name because his is pretty and mine is a monosyllabic anglo-saxon thing. I consider this a totally rational criteria.

My daughter started asking for a guinea pig when she was four. We found a book that said they were good pets for ages seven and up and expected her to forget about it long before she turned seven.

I’m getting a couple comments to this effect, but I don’t think defamation law stops applying just because someone once did something kinda like the thing they were falsely accused of. Like, if I write an article saying you drove home drunk last Saturday, you didn’t, and you sue for defamation, it’s not a defense if I

Thanks, I appreciate the explanation! So basically this is in lieu of newspaper publication, which makes perfect sense,

I’m no fraternity fan either, but your logic here is like justifying unfair police stops with “okay, he wasn’t doing anything that time, but the kid looks like a thug.” Luckily our system of laws is not based on what we think somebody might have done at some other time.

Any lawyer types want to explain why she can’t get the divorce on grounds of abandonment? I mean, it seems to me like one part of abandoning a spouse would be not leaving a forwarding address...

Chris Wallace is still an asshole, but that’s actually a decent apology in that it recognizes that the problem with what he said is not just that he called her fat, but that he brought her physical appearance up for no reason. So, he gets a couple points for that.

The thing is, Erdely could have done a lot of the missing fact-checking without exposing Jackie. For example, there’s no reason she’d need to explain she was investigating a rape allegation to get a staff list from the aquatic center and cross-reference it with Phi Psi membership rolls. Either she was lazy, or she

I think you’re doing a fantastic job. There are plenty of writers who would have gotten pissy and defensive at commenters by now, or abandoned the story entirely; the fact you haven’t speaks highly of you.

Yeah, there’s no way this is the first time she’s ever gotten so involved getting the most sensational story she ignored red flags. It’s just the first time she got caught.

Double post. Fail, Kinja.

Typical internet logic all around. It doesn’t matter what you do afterwards or how often you apologize, you’re always going to be pestered with the worst thing you ever said.

I think what this shows the most is that we need to quit looking for a “perfect” rape victim, since the quest for one is likely what got Erdely to this point — Jackie’s story was SO good she didn’t want to look at it too closely. There’s plenty of real sexual abuse and sexual assault in the world, and admitting it

It's even better. Her mom died a few years ago. So not only is their dad widowed relatively young, his son is showing his entire ass in public.

I might be wrong about this, but it looks like literally all he did was shave his head, trim his eyelashes, go by his middle name (IDK what their parents were thinking there either) and check the “black” box for race. I am less than convinced this actually fooled anybody.

It was fine if you were a 10-year-old girl.