
Fair enough. Thanks.

Well, yeah. I guess I read that as her saying the shrimp came to the restaurant already peeled so the kitchen surfaces would be clean, because the customers asked about that specifically? But I may be giving her too much credit.

I'm about to sound like an idiot, but what's funny about Mallory Morgan's story? I don't get it.

My head hurts from stupid now.

Sorry, but I'm confused where you're getting "should this be discussed in a class" from. It's not like there are classes on what color things are after preschool. But I agree if you were for some reason teaching colors, the dress would be a bad example to use.

But the question isn't "what color is the dress." The question is "what color do you see." Like, a black-and-white photo of an apple will look gray, where a gray apple in the real world has something very wrong with it.

Exactly. I accept the actual physical dress you can buy is blue and black. That doesn't make the photo look any less white and gold!

I've never thought much about Julianne Moore one way or the other, but now I can say I love her.

Terrible parents in the news are awesome for making me feel less bad at parenting, yep. I might have let my daughter spend an entire snow day playing games online, but at least I didn't take her to an orgy.

You know how it is, you invite two or three people over, then somebody brings their friend and the neighbors drop in, and presto, instant orgy.

Maybe he thought it was ironic? I mean, I agree it's probably completely made up, but I can see him thinking that was a funny thing to say to a fellow famous person.

I would have guessed underwear. Or maybe gym memberships.

I'm so happy she's still weird enough to wear Muppet skin.

I live to entertain.

... thus perfectly illustrating my point, so there you go.

Probably he just doesn't smoke. I couldn't tell you what a carton of cigarettes costs because I never buy them. It's like asking me what jock straps cost. I can guess the number of zeroes but that's it.

And at least 51 percent of people in his district agree enough to elect this moron.

How stupid do you have to be not to see the racist undertone in saying a black woman looks like she smells like weed? That's not even a subtext or a microaggression, that's just flat-out aggression.

That shot was probably like 90 percent of her caloric intake for the day.