
That Dora toothbrush story is a thing of beauty, man.

Thus proving not all gay people have good taste.

I don't think this is a guy who got the idea from 50 Shades of Gay.I think this is a guy who got caught doing something awful and started casting around for somepiece of pop culture he could blame it on — and we're falling for it because we always do.

Oh good. I'm an old — as in, I've been ordering vanilla lattes with skim milk for more than 15 years — so I can get my usage grandfathered in.

Yeah, I thought it meant fat-free milk. I always forget it's sugar-free as well. I'm a Bad Customer.

The thing is, what I'm getting from this reaction is not that people see it as a teachable moment. What I'm getting is OMG HOW DARE SHE NOT BE PERFECT. And I think it's important we acknowledge it's all a process; that not everybody has the time, resources or interest to phrase things in the most currently politically

I'm looking forward to your piece on how JK Simmons failed to acknowledge the existence of abusive parents anytime now.

Play crippled and you always win!

Yeah. I haven't seen Birdman yet, so maybe its wins will make more sense after I do, but I thought Boyhood was fantastic and brave. It's sad it only won one award.

I agree. Patricia could have worded it better, but I suspect she knows as well as anybody that women of color and gay women face extra challenges. She has a trans sibling, who she thanked during her acceptance speech. This is not someone who's existing in some privileged bubble and is totally oblivious to outside

This is the first year I can remember turning it off and going to bed past the midpoint. The ceremony was weirdly boring. I love NPH but the writing for him really sucked, and the IN Memoriam was just terrible.

I'm sorry, but there is something very wrong with anyone who wasn't made happy by that performance. It was ridiculous and overthe top and about the best thing on the Oscars.

What I love is that the whole time she was on Medium, which people saw as kind of a cheesy show ... she was also filming Boyhood. Which I don't think anybody knew was a real thing that was going to turn into a real movie.

I can understand why she would. She's been a sex symbol since she was a teenager, probably she runs into lots of men who think that makes her public property.

Once when I was a littleolder than that one of my friends called while I was changing clothes, so I waltzed out to the kitchen to take the call in my shirt and underpants.

And then Amber specifically called out Ray J as the previous sexual partner Kim was "tainted" by. I think everybody involved in this is pretty much equally racist, or not racist. (Also, do most people actually care enough about Amber Rose to know her class status growing up? I sure didn't.)

Wait, what does Amber being biracial have to do with anything? I was with you up to there.

I feel this way too. I'd want to make sure the surrogate had a lawyer of her own and some other safeguards to ensure she wasn't being coerced or misled, just as I would for surrogates in the U.S. — but I have a problem with the idea of me, as a privileged white woman, telling women in Thailand or India what they can

Exactly. The Jenners should be grounding Kylie until she's 25 and researching statutory rape law ... BUT Amber bringing up her dating life as part of calling her sisters whores is, shall we say, slightly déclassé.

The Kanye thing is just so depressing from so many angles I don't even want to deal with it. So I am going to concentrate on imagining the bright, gorgeous babies Emma Watson and Prince Harry would make.