Somebody should check to see if this one is bullet proof or at least shot-put-through-the-window proof
Somebody should check to see if this one is bullet proof or at least shot-put-through-the-window proof
And 14 early-adopters were lined-up inside to buy said truck.
This is why:
Death is too good for that guy. Better to have him get his butt handed to him in the next election, then have to live another decade being labelled as the Biggest Loser...
Fuck the GOP. Fuck every single one of them.
He’s living proof of my theory that our culture doesn’t actually value empathy or family values. What has he suffered for lacking both?
And then promptly call the Chinese friends and postpone the war. Then it will go back and forth a few times without any real resolution until the global economy shrinks a few degrees at which point Trump will blame Obama.
Sell it to them. Lets get them ready, I want PRC to rethink any attempt at invasion.
No. He will do that in October next year as a way to drum up his base and get the “Patriot” vote.
And then one time he says “If you rake forests, forest fires are finished.” then the next time it’s “Raking forests is why the Finnish never have forest fires.” then the next it’s “I was talking to the President of Finland - great leader, they love me in Finland - and he told me that they don’t have forest fires…
It’s a recurring thought exercise of mine to imagine what and where Trump would be if he hadn’t inherited the fortune, business, and political connections of his stupendously wealthy father. I keep coming back to this:
To think that we almost lost him to baseball, if the Mets had managed to convince him to turn pro and join their organization.
It’s called Monty Burns syndrome. Surround yourself with yes men, and next thing you know you’re the smartest person in the room, even though you are far from it. Simpsons did it!
Someone saw him playing tennis, called him the Michelin man and he misheard it. This has to have happened more than once, so by virtue of it being said to him multiple times he thought nobody was called a “Michigan” man more so therefore he’s the Michigan man of the year!
If Trump wasn’t a traitorous white supremacist grounding our country into the pavement, there’d be an almost endearing Baron Munchausen quality to the man. One day a visitor at one of his hotels or casinos, who happens to own a used car dealership in a small town in Michigan, pays Trump some benign compliment, and…
Hmmm. This is good news for jalops. Public demand for these cars will be low because who wants to buy a car being phased out that also has a piece of junk transmission. So there might be some cash on the hood for those looking to grab an ST with a manual. Maybe.
I’m just waiting to find out that this all boils down to Steve in Accounting accidentally adding a zero in his Cost-Benefit Analysis comparing the savings from not fixing a borked transmission versus the cost of the eventual lawsuits.
The same depreciation that happens to Alphas?
Half the year in the shop and half the year not running right.