
Somebody should check to see if this one is bullet proof or at least shot-put-through-the-window proof

And 14 early-adopters were lined-up inside to buy said truck.

The driver was also spotted:

This is why:

Death is too good for that guy.  Better to have him get his butt handed to him in the next election, then have to live another decade being labelled as the Biggest Loser...

Fuck the GOP. Fuck every single one of them.

He’s living proof of my theory that our culture doesn’t actually value empathy or family values. What has he suffered for lacking both?

And then promptly call the Chinese friends and postpone the war. Then it will go back and forth a few times without any real resolution until the global economy shrinks a few degrees at which point Trump will blame Obama. 

Sell it to them.  Lets get them ready, I want PRC to rethink any attempt at invasion.

No. He will do that in October next year as a way to drum up his base and get the “Patriot” vote.

Someone saw him playing tennis, called him the Michelin man and he misheard it. This has to have happened more than once, so by virtue of it being said to him multiple times he thought nobody was called a “Michigan” man more so therefore he’s the Michigan man of the year! 

You notice we don’t have floating cities on the Earth. But why not? It would be much easier! The Earth’s atmosphere isn’t a toxic slurry of acid. The Earth’s temperature never exceeds 60ºC, whereas Venus regularly exceeds 400ºC. And we have all the resources here to build such floating cities, without having to bring

And the point would be what? Who could possible want to live like that? We’re not going to colonize any object in our solar system. We’ll eventually have scientific bases, but if humanity is going to spread out, it’s going to have to be on earth like worlds around other stars and as of right now, our scientific

That’s also science fiction.

Floating cities would be costly to build and dangerous to live in.  All of this could be overcome if there were some sufficiently strong economic reason to do so.  I’m a science fiction writer and I’m having a hard time imagining one.

sure, but what if i drop my phone?

Great piece George, as usual. The other thing you don’t mention about the viability of Mars colonies is that there is no economic incentive to go there. While of course economic incentives don’t motivate everything we do, the complete lack of economic incentives of living on Mars makes the prospect of long term

One thing I didn’t mention in this piece is how, after Mars, the list of other viable places to set up colonies falls off sharply. Realistically, we only have the moons of Jupiter and Saturn to consider, which present their own challenges, including the tremendous amount of radiation pouring out from the gas giants.

The same depreciation that happens to Alphas?

Half the year in the shop and half the year not running right.