
Take me to your leader.

Every time you buy a piece of Chinese crap you’re funding the military expansion of an autocratic communist state. It’s insane. The West betrayed Taiwan for economic expediency. Disgusting. Instead of demonizing Mexico and Central America Deranged Donald should be incentivizing them to produce goods we now get from

Billionaires pissing contest. YAAAAWN

That’s like Deranged Donald saying you can’t watch tv because the wind isn’t blowing. 

It’s amazing Deranged Donald hasn’t dropped dead of grease burger heart attack yet. Hopefully soon.

Thanks for that link. An absolutely brilliant analysis of the psychotic Apocalyptic Republican environmental arsonists and the rabid hate and fear mongering nut jobs.

Truly a despicable, evil mental wreck of a human being.

This is carnage. Technology where the red light automatically stops your car can’t get here soon enough. And how about they outlaw commercials that glorify “spirited” ie reckless asshole driving.

I guess Deranged Donald didn’t get the memo.

Amusing to watch Trump cultists head explode when confronted with what an ignorant, mentally ill, mental wreck their messiah is. 

That’s why manual transmissions are so great - bullet proof & relatively cheap to fix but it’s too much effort for fat ass Americans who can’t live without 10 cup holders. 

Give Ford credit, at least it’s not blowing up in a fiery explosion like the Pinto. One step at a time. In a century or two they’ll be up to Toyota reliability.

We drink bleach all the time, it’s in the water. 

Profits UBER ALLES!!!! Another example of right wing predator capitalist/environmental rapists willing to sacrifice everything, including other people’s live, on the altar of greed & profit.

So much for secret.

Sounds like an ad for the dairy industry. How about the hormones & pesticides in milk, are they good for you?

No leather??? BLEH!

Comment of the year! I can’t give you enough LOLs. LOL!

Textbook Darwinism. 

Just when you think Deranged Donald can’t sink any lower... So sick of him vomiting his delusional, vicious, paranoid, divisive lies and smears on a daily basis. When will people wake up to his insanity and realize he’s the greatest threat to the republic? He’s terrified of winding up in the slammer for his high