
Didn't think of it that way, makes sense. In the end I suppose the best way is to sell audio to play with the movie like rifftrax.

The law isn't what I'm talking about. It's just what I want to be possible.

well... I kind of feel like people should be able to upload entire movies with commentary... because you don't really get the actual movie, if there is enough commentary. Also to even get money in the first place someone had to enjoy your commentary enough to share it and have it gain traction. It's not easy to come

Yes, but it's entertainment, if hundreds of thousands of people... or millions... enjoyed watching your video... that does have value, humans need entertainment whether it seems important or not, it's a huge part of culture.

I know that... maybe the wording was shitty... I totally understand =) I meant more when you graduate and beyond.

Never said it wasn't a big deal, but it's not impossibly hard to save up and scrape together that much money. It's not some absurd sum of cash only the princely could come up with. Most people could make some sacrifices elsewhere in order to make it happen.

True, but you would be surprised how quickly it all adds up if you can save a little here and there. Again It's about priorities, a lot of people would spend that money elsewhere on something that wasn't completely necessary.

Almost all of them seem to be cleaned up a little, this one obviously has extra attention given to it though.

Yup it is! but when you finally get a job, if you play your cards right 1500bucks should be totally doable. That's all. (and yes I have plenty of disposable income so hate on me all you like but I didn't always have it. I'm probably just going to drop that much on upgrades in the next week)

We can always have as many Peas as we like though.

I think that puts you below the poorest 1%... Also 1500 isn't really that much money. Most people with a reasonable income could afford to buy one of these every couple years, its just where you put your priorities.

I think that puts you below the poorest 1%... Also 1500 isn't really that much money. Most people with a reasonable income could afford to buy one of these every couple years, its just where you put your priorities.

It's a videogame, they though of a better way to represent socal... and it's pretty much just a fleshed out version of the original Los Santos and countryside map. Also IV had references to III as well.

Nope, not even close, they make some solid references to SA, Minor spoiler, you even get to see Lazlow (however that idiots name is spelled)

Doesn't matter, it was good enough to suspend my disbelief at least.

Recoil compensation takes lots of practice, some games the guns shoot in a large predictable patter that has smaller random jumps inside of it (CSS) so if you fire without moving your mouse you see the spread and you can correct for the larger movements, if you are firing center of mass the smaller movements won't

I'm using a GTX 580, a 3 year old card (admittedly a very expensive one cost $500 when it was released in early 2011), I play AC4 on max at 2560x1440 and get 40fps. Before that I had a GTX 560 which is similarly old but mid tier and cost me 180dollars, I could play BF3 on mostly ultra and high at 1920x1080 and get

That's your fault for using shitty fans.

Honestly, I haven't dealt with many hackers at all in the last 4 years. Obviously they exist, but there aren't enough for me to even recall the last time it mattered.

I hate when people Rick James the shit out of my floor mats though.