
Yeah, I was just pointing out that the console really has little value, but as someone who appreciates what it takes to design a computer it does make me cringe just a little. But I really like explosions and this one was pretty awesome, not just some jackass smashing one to yucks out of people.

It's just as stupid as someone pay 2k for one of these mediocre computers.

I think he genuinely likes the PS4 more. the PS4 was definitely designed with gamers in mind unlike the xbone, he probably would have been a little more positive about xbone if he wasn't given free stuff from Sony, but I doubt his overall opinion would change much.

The budget was literally tens of dollars!

China... power is pretty cheap there.

This is the new Kinect 3, it has 18 cameras, because, reasons.

Most places its not bad, its just super, super busy. Wall mart is always full of fucktards though.

That's part of the fun though.

What if you knew you could have both anyways?

Did anyone notice Mad Max has an American English dub? I nearly fell out of my chair.

Did anyone notice Mad Max has an American English dub? I nearly fell out of my chair.

Shit i just realized how it reads too, good catch.

actually looks like 4 individual buttons... which would be ideal.

Are you kidding me? I literally just said that.

It's not consensus it is objectively without question more powerful, howuch more is another debate.

The note fits in the MOGA and MOGA Pro at least... so it's got that going for it. If you put a note in this design it would be absurd, a GS3/4 would be about right.

I really wish people wouldn't think I was a dork if I wore this because it's just awesome, that along with vests that can carry all my electronics. Then again, if the ladies don't like that shit I don't want to know them.

So it is backwards compatible... sort of.

It's noticeably more powerful. Though it comes with 3gb of vram and the titan comes with 6gb, of course no one has actually benched stuff at 4k and 5k yet, so we have no clue if it matters.

Worth noting Kotaku is still just a blog, the writers just do stuff... cause.