Sempre plou sobre mullat

Fuck all that! Was she expected to keep serving sandwiches if she puked on the station? No, cuz most people would turn down a vomit tainted sandwich! But the fuckface manager essentially put her in a position to serve vomit subs to unwitting customers, no matter how clean her hands were.

Holy fucking shit. She is going to win a big fat settlement, that is absolute madness. No way they can defend their behavior here!

I agree. NO, was my response as well.

Ungrateful bastard.


The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with pepper spray.

Well context, control, and intent are important. I would posit that things like Neo-Burlesque, where the female performers are in charge of their sexuality and intentionally breaking down barriers over what is considered "sexy," is a political, feminist act. These women strip down with a wink and a nod, and

I would really like to see a TLC The Channel vs. Rihanna Twitter feud

Is that how Russians flirt?

Is because...

I got three words for any gentlemen that want to try to drink me under the table: Bring it on.

Pan's Labyrinth.