Sempre plou sobre mullat

Ok, good for you. You are still the most sought after body type for straight men in the United States, so I think you will be just fine.

That part surprisingly never really bothered me. The ending though...goddamn.

They put him in the trailers on tv. I was freaked out for months.

Yah, I was kind of hoping this would all be about the Pale Man. He is my favorite monster.

I admit to being a scaredy-cat, but that part of the movie was fucking frightening.

This scared the shit out of me!

This was such a meandering way to imply that actresses above thirty have no acting careers because THEY ARE OLD, rather than them taking time off for their family or other life ambitions. But not in a nice way... In a mean, ageist, snarky way.

First person to hack so that the page says ...

I heard an adage somewhere that no man wants to dress like his father but every man wants to dress like his grandfather.

Seems appropriate that he's a a plumber since he seems quite adept at dealing in shit.

Oh my God, "Abraham Zapruder of celebrity children!" AMAZING!



If people are being named Kale, the question still remains as to what different Kale plants are being named. I think this one looks like a Brad.

My mom (a nurse) encouraged me to do a science project on drug-resistant TB as an elementary school kid and I've been freaked out by it ever since.

Alternate title:

Polanski was the nail in the coffin, but I found Garden State insufferable. I know that's where it started for me. Which is less her fault and more Zach Braff's but ugh. The whole "look, I can do something original by shimmying. Woo!" vibe. She was a manic pixie dream girl with none of the charm that makes the MPDG

Ding, ding, ding.

DoctorDonna Noble. Poor, incredible Donna. She was literally the most important woman in the history of the universe, and she can't remember she saved it or else she'll die...not to mention the fact that when we first met her, she almost married a fraud using her to help an ancient race of spider beings take over