At the same time, he's painting them as a bunch of stats-obsessed eggheads who don't understand the higher, finer things in life. He argues that claiming you're a "nerd" now translates to: "Look at me and let me tell you who I am not, which is southern, politically conservative, culturally traditional, religious…
But of course! One must always be well-heeled, regardless of if your day's events include invading Poland or trampling the patriarchy.
I'd do it for the boots.
Officially adding Mary Robinson to my invite list for if/when
I know. And it should be absolutely criminal.
This scene pretty much touches on everything that scares the crap out of me.
Laughing hysterically that having a PhD is -50k...
It's a rare thing to see anyone under the age of about 60 drink a whiskey in a pub here. Admittedly part of it is the cost- hard alcohol is expensive. Another part (and this is anecdotal) seems to be taste- most of the younger crowd drink vodka if they do go for something other than a pint.
It ever was so, that young urbanites crave what is essentially an old man's drink.
My boss was a resident at the time and his attending told him that it was "unreasonable" to quarantine the patient until the labs came back, especially since the guy was refusing to be admitted and TB highly unlikely due to the patient being a Waspy lawyer.
anyone want to hear about the time my boss had a patient get on a plane with multidrug resistant TB?
In the course of writing this piece, I tried to recall the timeline of the anti-Natalie Portman movement. Did it start with Garden State? Was it the time she shaved her head and was still hot? Or was it as late as Black Swan? Did it predate the Anne Hathaway backlash or did they overlap? IT'S SO HARD TO KEEP TRACK OF…
I'd really like to emphasise that I'm not trying to say lump minority struggles together, but rather point out that it is a similar situation. Unfortunately it's too late for me to add that tidbit to the original post.