Sempre plou sobre mullat

He almost sounds like Viagra Jesus. Can we start arguing about whether he means literally or figuratively?

"Some refer to them as mothers"

Preach it! The level of ignorance with regards to research and science is bewildering at best and almost offensive at worst.

“It's only when you have a critical mass of women in politics that you get women's issues attacked.”


Amazon Prime or iTunes. Sadly, he's not on Netflix.

In good time, Netflix. I have a standing commitment with a pie maker and bottle of red wine tonight.

What would Brian Boitano do?!!

Sounds like a real winner.

Spider Baby has suffraged enough!

Catalunya remains very liberal. Madrid tends to be more conservative, but compared to Andulucia is also quite left-leaning. It's likely this will just be more fuel for the Independicia movement.

Ring any bells?

That thought might be the only thing stopping me from actually forming a mob.

The fact that something like this was even published makes me not want to live on this planet anymore.

I stalk my local grocery store this time of year because I have a secret nemesis who buys all the samoas before I get a chance.
I go from visiting once weekly to visit at least every other day in hopes that the local troops will be there ;)

Just means girl scout cookies for me.