Sempre plou sobre mullat

Just means girl scout cookies for me.

By that logic... can we pay assholes with a near sociopathic lack of compassion only $1/hr?

You mess with the bull, you get the horns, Bristol!

I aspire to be worthy of such a pillow. Even though I'm not even in the right field!

I really hope that she finds someone to help with this too.

Hematopoiesis totally happens in Andorra.

OK Communion

As someone who travels solo a lot, all I have to say is fuck that. You think I'm going to not take a picture of me some place awesome because it'd be a selfie and there's no one else around to snap that shot?

As a European biologist with a passport that looks like it's saw the apocalypse from Satan's back pocket, all I got to say is

Once again... Not from the States. Can't pin Miley Cyrus on my homeland.

We as in non-Canadians?
I realise it's easy to get tired of Bono and his desire to save the world, but I'm not apologising for my country's most popular export.

Interesting that you just assume I'm a Yank. Nope.

Actually, the guy that wrote Friday is from Nigeria. But I'll absolutely agree that that song is Biebs level terrible.

Dearly beloved Canadians,

My roommate and I coined the portmanteau "swoobies" for sweaty boobs, and it's the biggest reason I'm immensely glad that I'm not particularly large breasted.

Remember, for maximum absorption of lead, mercury is required as a cofactor.

I like the cut of your gib!

Fear, anger, anxiety, and love all have similar maps. Somewhere there's a philosophical conclusion to be drawn from that. Or maybe a just bad poetry.

No love for House Lannister? or House Martell?