Sempre plou sobre mullat

I wouldn't say I get irritated by tourists from home, but usually they are instantly recognisable. Couldn't put my finger on why though...

Ah... that Americans and Italians in general speak louder is something I would agree on. I would also add Aussies to that list as well.

Come on now, I've seen just as many Brits as Americans/Canadians get out of sorts when they realise that speaking English louder does not increase comprehension for a non-native speaker. Or get pissy because the signs in Barcelona are in Catalan, not Spanish ("What, do they think they're so much more special than the

I studied in Tuscany, so I'm familiar with the story. Che mal di testa!

The amount of mental gymnastics needed to understand the Italian legal system is formidable. Remember when an Italian court convicted a group of geologists for not predicting an earthquake?

Clearly he's Buster and he knows 19th century Agrarian business practices are widely applicable.

Well done ladies!

With all due respect, I disagree. I would argue that he's morally ambiguous. His body count is at least comparable with Claudius, and while Polonius, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern were bumbling fools, they hardly deserved their fates. His treatment of his mother and Ophelia was likewise condemnable.

You win the internet for the day!

It's lunch time here and pickles are one of my favourite things!

Is that... a sloth with a pickle?!

Inexcusable omission:

Not every protagonist is intended to be a moral compass. Otherwise, something like American Psycho or Breaking Bad would never have been made. That distinction (between hero and protagonist) is even more pronounced when you start looking through literature. Macbeth, Richard III, or Hamlet anyone?

Never understood how the US can humanely justify being the only economically developed country without any sort of Federally mandated parental leave. It's criminal.

As a UK size 8 (US size 6), I didn't feel out of place sizewise in Paris. What I did feel was chronically (and woefully) under-dressed, no matter where we were and what we were doing.

"Breast Milk Dairy Products"

Why do I have the nauseating feeling that Beibs is retiring so that he can pursue a film career?

Totally using this the next time someone tells me to get my lazy arse out of bed.