Sempre plou sobre mullat

With all due respect, take that 'exhaustion' from planning a birthday party before the holidays and add the stress and fatigue of the holidays. In addition, most people are starting to feel the pinch of all the money they've spent, so forget trying to get more than a few friends to go out or come to a party the day

Happy birthday to us! January 1 is the worst birthday, hands down.

As an Irish Catholic, I don't even know where to begin with this comment... and based on how quickly this went arseways, I really don't want to come close to this brutal can of worms. But I will say that the idea that you have to follow every single tenet of the catechism is complete and utter nonsense. I don't even

Does it come in another colour?

I think the most ridiculous thing is they photoshopped her fingers. What in the world was wrong with them in the first place?

Right, because manipulating emotions for votes is always a good idea.

I see your Sturgeonface, and raise you one thoroughly disgusted Moriarty.

I see your bitchfacing angel of the lord, and I raise you the 'bitch, please' faces of an elf and the King of Gondor.

I see your annoyed Whose Liners, and I raise you one disheveled angry Irishman.

I see your disappointed Mary Poppins, and I raise you one fed-up Dr. Frank Furter

Don't forget the new Doctor is in that episode too!

You mean women don't like photos of other women in raunchy situations shelling cheap shit?

This might be worth investigating further!

You can count on it. He might even bow hunt.

Do you even PubMed!?

Top 20, baby!
