Sempre plou sobre mullat

...I would totally buy that. Hangs head in shame.

Make it so!

Need a little bit of Jesús in your life? I know I do!

When it comes to Italians, I've always been preferential to Claudio Marchisio

He's such a talented model and salesman, he doesn't need to wear the kit to sell it!

Oh gawd... the Euro celebration!

Good call. I feel this growing collection though is missing my other favourite Basque...

More anecdotal garbage?

As an Irish woman, there's few things I love more than a man who can properly cook a potato.

Damn, the gif didn't load! It wasn't Pep, but Pep porn is always available upon request!

I know it's sexiest man, but what about...

As a mostly-former-now-sometimes-when-drunk cellist, that erases anything resembling a warm fuzzy feeling from me!

Whatever. I'm over it. Focusing on other things...

Well done!

I'm not sure! My bf sent it to me as a welcome distraction on a particularly crappy day of work. I've spent most of the time since trying to decide what's the best part (kitty or Tennant).

I knew a girl in grad school whose family was friends with the Bush family. She had so many stories about how he was such a nice guy and was tragically misunderstood... Which for me made all the crap associated with his regime that much worse. Anyone else feel that way (or need a delightful gif to calm their rage