Sempre plou sobre mullat

It baffles me too. I've stopped telling people in bars that I work with TB because it either scares the crap out of them and I get treated like typhoid Mary, or I get some variation of "That still exists?"

I hate it when something like this breaks because when I actually track down the actual research on Pubmed I find myself seriously underwhelmed. It feels kinda like this:

Too late to edit, but I feel like I should also add that as group, Irish people don't tend to do the big celebrity thing. There are a few exceptions of course, but by and large it's almost like our celebrities are embarrassed to identify themselves as such and work extra hard to avoid it because they know they'll

Agreed! I think the sunglasses for Bono are like a barrier to keep people from getting too close. Even after 30+ years of being a rock star, Bono strikes me as someone who still wears his heart on his sleeve.

I like the cut of your jib!

Sigh. Yes. Yes, I do. ;)

He is surprisingly down to Earth (not too mention short)! The first time was in Dublin when I was at Trinity, then a few years later in Edinburgh, and next in Boston. I'm pretty sure that U2 was on tour the last two times.

Damn. The only super famous person I've met is Bono, and as cruel fate would have it, he seems to be the only celebrity I'm destined to meet ever (Three times in three different cities!) Definitely no sexy times, but last time he did buy me a pint, so no complaints on my end!

Hmm... well, essential oils are very concentrated, and unless you spend a lot on them they usually have impurities and byproducts, which contribute to the toxicity of the oils. Peppermint the plant might be fine.

My roommate is a vet and according to her peppermint oil is toxic for pets, especially for cats. I haven't read through much of the scientific literature myself, but it sounds like cats don't metabolize peppermint oil well, and that leads to an accumulation of dangerous metabolites, which can be poisonous.

He is! My aunt and uncle see him from time to time out in County Galway.

Officially added to the list of pretentious musicians I want to punch in the face.

I hope so...
Good point on Bugs Bunny!

Didn't Gary Oldman beat up his ex-wife? I don't have anything solid, but I do remember there were some pretty harrowing rumours about their divorce.

I don't think it's in every shot, but it's definitely in some of the scenes.

What does Maroon 5 even mean? (Maroon the colour? Maroon as in what I'd like to do with Adam Levine?)

This seems incredibly West Coast. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but people are almost painfully non-confrontational and indirect when it comes to bad news.