Sempre plou sobre mullat

Pep may not be the special one, but he is El puto amo!

Never understood why American men are so scarf resistant. It can really tie an ensemble together
Exhibit A:

He has that effect on people. I caught him live at the National Theatre in Dublin and his presence on stage is almost hypnotic.

I'm going to leave this here in solidarity.

Glad we're all on the same page. And because I'm feeling extra Sherlocky today, might I add...

Anyone else think the elves in the movie kinda look like Cybermen from DW?

Yes... culture. You know what else has culture, right?

He's not like those other Popes. He's a cool Pope.

Anyone else getting a cultish 'us versus them' vibe?

I really love Brooks/Moving Comfort. They have a pretty awesome corporate culture and their gear seems to last for years without falling apart!

Taco Bell before taping is never a good idea.


Gina Torres. Please, pretty please?


I love a good mob with pitchforks as much as the next person, but every time a story shows up about this asshat....

2/3 ain't too shabby!

They're not mutually exclusive- I could have CHEESE and TOM HIDDLESTON (and maybe Nathan Fillion if he's still around? yes? maybe?)

Trader Joe's. It is delicious, but if possible, I'd like to avoid dreams of Bono.

You could eat all the cheddar in the world before bed and still never have that precious Tom Hiddleston encounter that you've been hoping for.