Sempre plou sobre mullat
sempreplousobremullat Ask anyone from Northern Ireland about what religion and terrorism paired together looks like and you'll get more than an earful of 'religious discourse.' I think it would be shockingly similar to anything you'd hear in Israel or Palestine.

Curse you Kinja for leaving him behind!

Maybe it's because we say 'arse' and not ass, but when I think of ass-anything, I think of these guys...

What dairy has brought together, let no man tear asunder!

I had a neighbor move in across the hall from me right before I left Boston that would come home after last call every night and go at it with his girlfriend who was LOUD. I would always tell myself that it couldn't possibly go on for too much longer and it wasn't worth getting out of bed about, but it would go on for

If by one of "those" runners you mean someone offended enough by the attitude I get every single time I dare to walk my fat ass into a Lululemon store that I get kinda pissed every time I see their sperm-shaped logo, then yes. I *am* absolutely one of those runners. Just because I'm not a size 2 doesn't mean I can't

A good friend is a male OB/GYN, and from what he's told me it's mostly out of a sense that by providing good pre-natal care, he can set kids up for the best start in life. Maybe that thinking is unique to him, but I'd like to think other male OBs share that sort of thinking.

I prefer Iberico or Murcia al Vino when it comes to Spanish cheeses, personally. And yes, the cheese almost ALWAYS costs more than the wine.

He also justified using Asian sweatshops with young workers.

I always take extra special pleasure in passing anyone wearing their garbage during road races.

There it is... my reminder that I have a date tonight with a bottle of red and some cheese. Maybe I'll be all fancy and get the smoked gouda.

Microbiology/Pharmacology. I work on antibiotic resistance in Gram negative bacteria.

Oh, I know. I did my PhD in Boston and can vouch that you all can't be painted with the same brush.

I'm good, thanks!

Wow, really? That's almost disturbing. Especially with Rule 34 and all that.

Can I argue that introducing my fist to your face counts as free speech too, Masshole?

Me: I'm going to get lots of sciences done today and save the world!

What about gnocchi, the potato pasta?

Don't know how to break it everyone, but broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are **gasp** all the same species!!!! (Brassica oleracea)