Sempre plou sobre mullat

I saw him play Hamlet- it was awesome!

Whatever do you mean?

Now playing

This brought me out of a pretty serious workfunk, and for that, I will always love it.

Gonna throw a little love this guy's way too

Loved Nine, but David Tennant is still my fave. Who couldn't love that face?

Congratulations, you've managed to miss the point completely. To suggest that it's uniquely American is shortsighted at best.

Some guys are comfortable with it, and that's awesome. Unfortunately, my somewhat depressing experience with online dating was taking a few inches off my height yielded a twofold increase in messages.

Every asshole wants a tall girl until we're towering over them in heels.

Orca hunting techniques are incredible. Have you seen Attenborough's Blue Planet? I can't find the clip on youtube, but there's a population of Orca in Scandinavia (I think) that herd herring into dense schools. One whale then snaps it's tale HARD to create an underwater sonic boom that stuns the herring, leading to a

It always seems to be the most well-loved animals that are the most vicious too. Everyone loves cetaceans, but have you ever seen an Orca hunt? Holy @#$^@, they're absolutely ruthless!

I think you're spot on. Things are absolutely brutal in nature.

A vision of the future?

For the record, I think both online dating and real world dating are both miserable, but the 9 months I spent on OKC were soul-crushingly terrible. The week I closed my account was the week that I met my boyfriend through a mountaineering class. One year and four mountains later we're still together.

She was kinda funnylookin', ya know?

I've become increasingly convinced that online dating is some sort of cruel psychological stress test gone horribly wrong.

It's not an easy thing to take up, so kudos to you for getting out there and giving it a go! As cliché as it sounds, listen to your body and if things don't feel right, see a professional about it. Give yourself time to get in shape, and make sure injury prevention exercises are part of your training so that you can

You do realize that a 5K is only 3.1 miles, right? Not all road races are marathons! (i.e 26.2 miles/42.18K)

Battlefield Earth? At least Batman and Robin has Clooney.