Sempre plou sobre mullat

Look at the camera? NO.

My old roommate used to describe glitter as the herpes of craft supplies. After our first Halloween together, I strongly agreed with him.

Check your logic privilege at the door, heretic! Don't you know that maths lead to devil worship!?

As in fixed points in time (no wibbly wobbly timey wimey) during which I need to collect data.
PI- Principal Investigator. El jefe, if you will.

Season 6 was uneven to me. It has some of my all time favorite episodes (Fight the Fairies!) but it never really hit its stride the way that season 4 and 5 did. Plus I missed Gabriel.

Me after 4 days of late night/early morning time points. I hate my PI.

Let's be honest though... season 7 wasn't exactly strong either.

You're overlooking Salinger, who was among the most erratic and misanthropic of them all!

"Strong literary lineage"
Right. The gene for literary brilliance is on chromosome 13, next to the genes for red hair/freckles and chronic alcoholism.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Is anyone else reminded by the final image of the 'real-life barbie' girl that had all the work done to look like just like Barbie? It's actually pretty unsettling.

You'll have to pull this bottle of tempranillo away from my cold, dead hands.

I should add: I went through an unfortunate Modernist phase sometime during my teenage years, so my diary entries were not just the usual self-absorbed, insecure ramblings of a teenager, but in a stream of consciousness format as well.

If it's short for Caleb, I'd say it's a pretty traditional name.

I saw him when he did Hamlet. He's absolutely amazing, but also kinda terrifying in a Kevin Spacey way.

I had a nostalgic moment the last time I was home and read some of my old diaries. Less than 50 pages in, I promptly burned them all. Mid-20s me found teenage me to be insufferable.

The second amendment? Isn't that the one that they love so dearly?

Shame on the the 76% of women republicans that don't think there should be more ladies in congress.

"The explaining of scientific/sophisticated concepts in lay terms"

This directly contradicts my experience at parties. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.