
As much as I hate to say this, The Real World went out of it’s way to make it’s black male characters look as angry & threatening as possible. Kevin from the first season was painted as an agressor towards Julie & David was constantly shown as the angry black guy. Those are just two of the top of my head. Yeah Kevin

Without even playing the video, the screen shot has more action in it than several minutes of World Cup games I’ve seen.

I’m not falling for this clickbait. All soccer is terrible

Seeing what Tammy has devolved into, looking back at that moment makes her actions even more absurd. She’s a phony & always has been. David was an asshole but that show seemed to look for them in both genders & all ethnicities.

The Tami/David moment is still, to this day, one of the most ridiculous reality show moments of all time. She was obviously laughing, but then Beth had to insert herself and the rest is history. I was so pissed off that David had to leave because of that. 

That was gross & irresponsible. Honestly Tammy’s fake outrage bothered me the most. She was laughing. She even said years later that the producers blew it out of proportion to make David look out of control.

No, telling the exact same story over and over again is suspect, because that means you made it up and reading from a script in your head. When people tell a true story, it changes because they remember or forget detail, get distance from it as time passes or as in this case, realise they were wrong and correct

If it were just the part about “the relationship [running] its course,” I’d definitely agree with you, but the other quote about how incredibly painful it was when his marriage ended and he’d never just throw his family away like that sounded pretty convincing to me – if it’s a lie, it’s a very bold one. On the other

The Jewish problem is a real issue especially in the NY area and even outside of NYC. Even NPR covered it as A lot of the Hisadic population has taken over real estate and control over the governing of certain areas where Black population live. They have slowly bullied the black population out or at least have been

But she had full control over Lemonade. She got to tell her story, on her terms, the whole way through. An interview with vogue would have been mediated through them.

So again, let me address this. It seems that when something isn’t intended for the masses, aka white folks, some of *y’all really don’t get it and speak completely out of turn. Calling someone a “jew” isn’t antisemitic. Saying that “jews own everything” isn’t anti-semitic either. He’s addressing a common

Is there some sort of middle ground here? They wouldn’t be the first celebrities to try to explore genuine life shit through the insane gauntlet of PR/branding/etc. And at that height a high a level of exposure too?

The White Feminism here is most particularly glaring when the The Root and Jezebel cover the same incident/event without sharing articles.

Wow... was it really that bad?!?

“Jezebel....Getting Outraged On Folks Behalf” is the Jez motto after all.

If being able to sing was the same thing as being able to act, there weren’t be so many musicians who flopped trying to cross over into movies. Also, I think you’re delusional if you think Jay-Z would allow a woman to beat up on him just for show.

I don’t know. I don’t think Solange would have been as angry as she was on her sister’s behalf if all of this was fake.

I’m far from a “Stan,” or even a fan; but it seems to me like musical artists who best present themselves via their art (fully acknowledging that B has multiple crazy numerous cowriters,) would probably best represent themselves...via music.

... I’m always amazed by how argumentative people want to get online when we are all entitled to our opinions. And it’s been pretty well documented on their TV show and beyond that Rob has literally gotten counseling for being depressed. It’s not something I just made up to excuse his bad behavior. I also remember