
radio for HOURS waiting for a certain song to come on so you can tape it

Maybe she doesn’t, maybe there is a lack of satisfaction on his part. That’s his prerogative.

You’re just one of those natural gossips, right? “He had to be cheatin’!” You don’t know that, not at all. You choose to believe that because whatever. There is no need for “translation”. Trust people for what they say, not what you want to hear or interpret.

Only if you expect them to be.

Those weren’t geared towards teens. My peers weren’t reading anything like that. It was music mags like RS, Spin, Fader or The Source, Cracked, Thrasher, Sports mags, Car mags, and other interest specific periodicals. And of course, nudie mags if you could get your hands on them. No teenage boy I knew would be

because young boys are far stupider than their female counterparts.

That’s not how you calculus. Pride is a sort of emotional state related to one’s view of oneself and how one presumes others view them. It’s not ontologically related to the class “woman” or “women”. Cherith Cutestory had it right: Pride resists the sort of self-reflection that forces one to admit guilt and wrong

Engineering smart ain’t the same as being people smart, or emotionally smart or even having common sense.

Oh please, take your conspiracy theories to Infowars.

You just proved “Codename_SailorV” point. That was the real deal!

And you base this assessment on what?

What? So avoiding the limelight makes one mercenary? And trying to control the narrative is bad, why? Why shouldn’t they want to control their image and narrative? Who should control that, the media? If the media does, they get to control it for free? I’m all for artists taking control from the media, who have their

Really? I guess all those emotional songs musicians write aren’t based on personal experience? And if they are, they aren’t charging for them, right? Your argument is contradicted by the fact that they are private. Maybe, just a thought, they are airing their issues now through song because 1) They are artists, and 2)

Okay. Doesn’t stop it from being true.

In context of New York, Jews own everything.

People are purposefully being obtuse in order to maintain a certain narrative about male/female relationships.

How is that your read that? Really? You can’t tell that he’s talking new feelings that he’s experiencing due the possibility of her leaving? Nothing there about not being ware that he cheated.

Neither are space opera because there is no singing. Seriously, that genre name makes no sense.

Where’s Lando? Racist mofo!!

Lets change things up and get an American.