
Star trek is space opera, Star Wars is more

Despite the meaninglessness of the NBA regular season, nothing is more boring in sports than the MLB regular season.

“Drink a beer and listen a baseball game or something.”

Counterpoint: Baseball is for old men like George Will and is about as exciting as watching paint dry.

Remember when you said the sportsbooks would place the Sixers o/u below 30? Maybe you should take a couple years off from basketball analysis and then re-group.

I thought “Fuck” was just his title: “Mr. Larry Bird”, “Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson”, “Sir Edmund Hillary”, and, “Fuck LaVar Ball”

I don’t like hugs, dogs, or long walks on the beach.

Can we stop pretending that Kesha is still a thing or that anything she says is important in any meaningful way? Her nonsense babble sounds like a grade schoolers diary is throwing up.

Its different because they don’t have to go through the hurdles of countless executives judging your casting decisions, or potential advertisers jumping ship...

I am not South Asian, I am Chinese/white.

Wasn’t there literally one black guy in one episode of sex and the city? How many white guys were there.

When was the last time you saw a relationship between a black man and white woman on TV or film? It’s just not done anymore. Those relationships are allowed to exist.

Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.

What’s with all the stories today about athletes being unable to finish without help?

They are indeed horrendous crimes that are deserving of punishment and yet, despite what many here seem to think, are committed by a tiny minority. Doesn’t seem to stop people calling for the punishment of all men for the actions of a few. Also.. obligatory #notallmen before I get spammed with a load of replies with

What you’re saying is true, but there’s one thing you are leaving out. When the slave trade started in Africa, slavery was not the same as it was later. At that time, most people on earth were not free. They were slaves or serfs or peons or peasants. They had almost no rights. Slavery, at that time, was not very

While, I agree with you about their hypocrisy, it was also valuable. You are absolutely right. They talked up freedom constantly, but we still had slavery, women had few rights, and even half of white men weren’t allowed to vote. They called it a democracy, but it still largely a democratic oligarchy.

Every century? Show your work that Islam and not European colonialism was the primary driver of slavery in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.

Call it whatever. The fact remains that until 1920 ~50% of the population didn’t have a guaranteed right to vote.

does this game address the importing of black people from africa and their enslavement, or the hipocrasy in creating a constitution that claims its for all men but only applies to white people?