
Is marrying white Jewish men somehow empowering or progressive?

It DOES benefit to discuss who has it worse! Why would we not? Men have it bad but is it as bad as women? If you have a busted tire and scratch on the side door which do you fix first?

Yeah, no.

Btw, what obstacles do Asians face that blacks don’t?

It’s not simply a difference. It’s both qualitative and quantitive. The Oppression Olympics are real and it’s not productive to pretend that somehow all POC face oppression equally but differently. The consequences are far too severe.

culture where dating is prohibited and marriages are expected to be arranged is part of this? Because no one knows outside of south asians.

Better than being shot by the cops. Asians face prejudice from regular joe working and middle class Americans but are viewed in a positive way by Americans in power. Makes a difference.

Oppression Olympics? How about we acknowledge when one situation is more severe than the other? I’ll take your microaggressions if we can get Asian privilege, wealth, health and education.

Who cares about micro-aggressions? Asians have not been aggressively excluded from American society.

Why would you expect empathy from a community that has never received empathy from you? What have blacks gotten from Asians expect contempt and spite? Why should blacks feel camaraderie with a community that has accepted its place on the racial ladder in return for material benefits, and shirks every opportunity for

Yet, negative depictions of Asians in the media apparently have no negative impact on their material well being. Who cares about stereotypes in the media when you have a well paying job, living in a safe neighborhood, with healthcare and savings?

I’ll take being a joke on the Oscars if it means my community gets Asian wealth, education and health. Down to trade?

Being the butt of a joke is not an definitive proof of oppression. The OP is right, on every metric Asians are doing better than everyone else.

What is the true to life impact that brown men who prefer white women have on brown women? Is their romantic choice somehow oppressive?

Please, tell me how many?

That’s better than not being accepted at all despite your people having thrown their heart, blood and soul into making this nation.

This nonsense. There are plenty of jobless, alcoholic, drug addicted hispanic women who are in relationships with men of all races. No one gets a pass. This is the sort of made up logic that we get our heads wrapped into because we resent the choices of others. Because we believe that somehow the choices of others has

I’m very clear. Who one chooses to love has no affect on those they choose not to love. Say woman 1 chooses to love man 2. No matter their race, her choice has no bearing on my life or who I love. People take the romantic choices of others far too personal.

Count again, there is far more depictions of WOC with white men in the media than the reverse. Serious, how many tv shows or movies show an Asian man with a white woman? Now how many show an Asian woman with a white man? The latter far outstrip the former.

Brown men dating white women is HARDLY a dominant narrative in western society. You can count on one hand the number of brown man/white woman relationships depicted in major mediums of entertainment.