
Well, one might instead wonder why more aren’t in interracial relationships or why is it that people tend to marry intra-racially. Despite our apparent commitment to combating racism, the dominance of intra-racial relationships is never interrogated.

Maybe that is part of the point, that at the end of the day he is more culturally white than brown.

Quite honestly that would sound just as bad, just as self-centered and presumptuous. The choices in love that people make have not bearing on those they chose not to fall in love with. Black men/brown men with white women has no bearing on black/brown women and black/brown women with white men has no bearing on

Does it matter? Look at the argument? Whites will bring up stats about black on white crime to justify segregation. How is this different? Of course, they, like the OP don’t ask, what’s the chance that any given particular blackperson/male/man will harm you? Is it enough to justify segregation?

And why do women feel compelled to defend women? You might as well ask, why do people defend people of the same kind? Probably, because they are reflexively defending themselves. But my comment was not a defense of men, I am simply pointing out that the rational was similar to the rationale of white segregationist.  

She absolutely does! Are you aware of contemporary pro racial segregation arguments? Sounds just like this.

Why not? Women are sexually assaulted every where, why stop at music festivals? Total societal segregation is the logical extension if the purpose is to protect women. Unless the point is to have a an all women music festival just to make a point which seems to be the point of almost all activism today.

Yeah, that’s not chattel slavery. I mean, lets just go ahead that say that US prisoners are slaves.

You are dismissing it! So, small pox took about out 90% of the Indians, and the Europeans slaughtered most of the rest. How does this change what the OP pointed out? His question stands, is this game so historically accurate that it lets you slaughter American Indians?

No, it’s not irrelevant, especially in a nation that was founded on the notion that “All men are created equal” and deserve “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Lets just go ahead an say murder is irrelevant because it’s common around the world.

Yes, and Europeans were taking North African slaves. Ever heard of Estevanico? The whole plantation system was perfected in Italy, Portugal and Spain with Muslim slaves. There was also slavery in East Asia, India and Europe. Muslims did not dominate world wide slavery, ever! Most slaves taken by Muslims were for

Why are you bringing up other holidays or other peoples history when we are talking about America.

Stop! This is that juvenile, “They did it too” bullshit! We are talking about the USA, not some other nation. In this context, I don’t are what some other nation did, I care about what America did because we are talking about July 4th and America’s responsibility for it’s own transgressions. If you get caught stealing

I see we are doing the whole, “making up shit without facts” thing. First, there is no such thing as formal end of slavery in the Islamic world because the Islamic world is not a nation. Many Islamic states did end slavery before 1910. And at least they voluntarily ended it, slavery only ended in the US by way of a

Islam is not a state, nation nor it a country. It has been practiced in a myriad of ways during it’s history. And no, Islam has not been the primary driver of THE slave trade for 1000 years given there is no one slave trade or any such nonsense. More slaves were brought from West Africa to the new world in a span of

How is this relevant! How in the world is this relevant to a conversation about the founding of America!! A nation founded on the principle that “All men are created equal”. Stop raising excuses for terrible behavior.

dealing with the local Indian populations

I just watched it for the “Beat that nigga ass” part. Wasn’t disappointed.

You sound like those white people who justify segregation from blacks by citing crimes rates among black people.

I’m all for sex and gender segregation.