
Did you purposefully ignore the Lakers dominance?

It’s a joke.

Really? Let’s all avoid having children with black ancestry because the world is so horrifying for people African descent? OR because it’s so hard to raise black children? Too bad your parents didn’t think the same way.

Please stop with the nonsense, it’s not really funny or clever.

Given their history, the Germans can’t really talk. I imagine they are projecting a bit.

If you hate it, then that means you hate your fellow countrymen and if you hate Americans why don’t you leave? Canada awaits!

And by simpler you mean easier to understand. Euro’s like to make things needlessly complicated.

Nasa never hired Nazi’s, that’s Euro-Nazi-Commie propaganda!

If this is so, why hasn’t Germany been to the moon?

It was! The USA has always been hated, its called envy.

NASA doesn’t hire foreigners, loser!

Is this a new rhetorical device, accuse people of having multiple accounts? And having an opinion is “harassment”? You think someone responding on Kinja is aggressive yet repeatedly approaching someone you don’t personally know for hug is not? Bottom line, you don’t know how Jerry felt. He may have felt unsafe if he

The only snowflakes are the punks so afraid of creating “conflict” that they give racism a pass.

Taking offense to racial mockery is being “offended by everything”? And what does it matter if it’s not the worst? That makes it okay?

Who cares if you’re Asian and not offended? We aren’t necessarily offended on you behalf, we are offended by racism, period. Who said anyone is trying to protect you? And I feel like the people creating divisions and barriers are those mocking and denigrating people of another race. The snowflakes are the ones so

It was pretty aggressive and who are you to say that he wasn’t violated, afraid or degraded? Men can’t be afraid of women?

True, but that doesn’t somehow give women the right to men’s bodies.

Are you kidding? Women can be creepy, inappropriate and even violent. Stats don’t matter when it comes to principles of body autonomy. There should be no double standard.

If gender swapping Ernest Hemingway doesn’t alter some essential part of him than what is gender? Sounds like you are suggesting that gender is pretty meaningless and empty.

If they smoke dope when they aren’t at work that’s not my business.