
Say what you want, but it is gender discrimination. Straight up, no chaser. And alienating men and boys, the primary consumers of superhero content, is a sure way not to get too many other superheroines.

The fact that 15 people up voted you is depressing. This was a great show! Far more meaningful and poignant that “Stranger Things”.

Ohhh puhhlleeeze! Be gone, The Get Down was the absolute BEST superhero show on Netflix and just plain beautiful. Wonderful story, great acting, creative set pieces! You have no aesthetic taste, I’m sorry.

And 98% of sports viewers don’t play the games they watch. However, they still buy the jersey’s, shoes, gloves, wristbands and headgear required for the sport.

Who gets to define “proper” speech?

By “poor” English you mean speak a non-prestige dialect. The English of upper class Caucasians is no more correct than any other dialect. But yeah, why don’t we all bleach our skin if your doing it to avoid discrimination.

There is more to it than that. Jezebel does have an uncomfortable habit of linking looks to personality/actions/ ect. It’s like if someone is a douchebag it’s okay to make fun of how they look or their name, etc. Never mind the fat that there is really no relationship between how someone looks and how they act.

Can you cite any?

What studies? Do tell?

Don’t put rapper in quotes. I bet you drop an E.P. with your homies.

The northside and suburbs are probably well represented by B1G schools but not the southside. The Illini still get love down there. Notre Dame is not as popular as you might think. It was probably THE school back in the day but most people I know are lukewarm on them. No doubt still popular with Catholics.

Nah, folks support the Illini in the Chi. I guess it depends on what area of the city we’re talking about.

This. So much. Everyone I know in Chicago who’s into NCAA sports, either football or basketball, supports Illinois, NOT Northwestern. They can give 2 cents about the wildcats.

Nope! It was a clean one-two step, no travel.

That’s the difference. In some scenes, it’s a mark of honor NOT to get mad when someone pop’s off.

Kate would make a great KellyAnne Conway in the upcoming “Attack of the man with the rotted orange face” movie.

What’s funny is that he made that comment before the “Race riots”. Conspiracy maybe?

You’re right, which is why there is no issue with making all characters black.

They don’t look white either.

“Wanting characters to identify with” implies an inability to identify with what is being offered