
The developing world is far larger than the developed. If this is successful in emerging markets than I would hardly call these failing companies.

Geralt is grizzled but he never feels pity for himself. I mean, he’s like hundreds of years old so he’s like, the world is what it is, F- it.

Criticizing the fact that over 80% of protagonists reflect such a small slice of the gen pop hardly equals “Please, no white men,ever”. I swear, so many white dudes are spoiled AF! A little diversity and you think the world is out to get you.

Oh please! There is nothing “race baity” about this article. If you find it offensive then you are FAR too sensitive. Stop being so PC and get with reality. This character trope is the most common and it’s totally fair game to talk about it, especially in a light hearted, jokey fashion.

It’s a list article, the most common the internet. And it’s a listing based on the most common type of VG character. Grow a pair. if you aren’t ready for us to talk about brooding grizzled, brawny, brown haired video game protagonists than get off the internet. There is nothing bigoted about this article.

Lol, right? It’s like all black men in video games are Michael Clarke Duncans character from The Green Mile.

Discussing the most common character trope in all of video games and even movies is hardly bigotry.

You attacked the article, why shouldn’t we be allowed to attack you?

Are you saying the Brooding white male is not a trope? Or are you suggesting we shouldn’t talk about the Brooding white male because.....reasons?

All true except for 2. How does he have deep antipathy towards whites?

What? Really? If there is any movie NOT necessary it’s another film about straight white people, but y’know, they keep making them.

The short story was great, but not something you’d imagine would make for a great movie. It’s take on language is intriguing.

Does he really know story structure better than you’re typical director? I don’t find him to be exceptional at telling stories.

They aren’t. This is a better crop than when Birdman won.

If you’re paying $12 for a taco good because it probably means the people making it are being payed a living wage and not peanuts. And I have no problems with much of our consumer goods becoming basically luxury items.

Basing it on luck is probably the fairest policy. The job of deciding who gets in and who doesn’t is going to be inherently biased if left to humans.

No one is entitled to residence or citizenship.

Unauthorized workers do in fact harm the job market for poor Americans, particularly poor minorities.

Immigration does not benefit everyone equally. Some don’t benefit, some experience a deficit because of it while others profit greatly from it.

Well, what’s the point of having borders and citizenship? If anyone can come here and live and enjoy the benefits of living in America what’s the point of the former two?