
I’m pretty sure the cat and dog are on some great, meaningful bonding trip together. But of course, the dog go sidetracked by the game and the cat shows looking for the dumb pooch.

Yeah, but Asian men themselves complain about how women view them. Is there no truth in the joke?

What do you have against zoot suits?

But it’s absolutely necessary if you’re black.

That’s class, not race. This guy was a PhD candidate. Can you imagine the Evanston cops treating a white student like this.

Is there any evidence of Evanston police being like this with a white student? White students who regularly have loud parties, featuring drugs and booze? In our era of camera phones and dashcams can we find one instance of cops acting like this with a white student?

Really? Got a clip?

She never would have called the cops if the man was white. Screw her.

including understanding and respecting customs and traditions,

I would disagree. Simply not being born there doesn’t make you a part of the community.

Is she really an outsider? 34 years, since she was a child. This sounds petty to me and an abuse of the system.

Building a mosque is not demanding anyone change their traditions.

The Swiss are very particular about who they let be citizens. I just read a story of how a Kosovo family was rejected citizenship because they wore sweatpants around town. To be honest, I don’t mind as long as it’s not race, faith or ethnicity based. Nations have to have standards, y’know.

Exactly, we aren’t talking about sending the guy to jail. Stanford has the power and right to expel students.

There is definitely white American cultures, most distinguished by class and geography. There is definitely a white, middle class suburban culture. Very distinct from say, upper class New England white culture, or lower class, deep south culture. All distinct but similar to their black American mirrors.

I’m willing to bet that the percentage of the male population who want to be financially supported is really, really low. Most have very patriarchal attitudes and want to be the breadwinners.

Lol! That’s utter BS. If you aren’t ruggedly handsome, men in their 40's and 50's are generally not considered to be sexy or good looking.

Where are theses “phantom” studies? And do they actually calculate the odds that a man will leave his sick spouse?

Your cousin’s husband is an asshole, great! What does that have to do with the rest of us?

If if your statistical claims are true, they don’t warrant your previous claims. For one, that doesn’t include the people who aren’t married, second, a difference between men and women doesn’t mean most men or even many men. What’s the likelihood that a man will leave his partner when the latter gets seriously ill?