
Husbands/male partners don’t stick around for the bad parts or do it well all that often

Prescription painkillers aren’t supposed to kill you. Drugs heal just as much as they hurt and kill.

Dude was taking painkillers. Yeah, we all make choices, like taking pharmaceuticals prescribed by our doctor to deal with some health issue. Yeah...

Drugs save lives.

Are you kidding? They’ve been around forever, there is no mystery to their motives. To understand the KKK, all it takes is common sense and a history book.

How is Kanye a sociopath? Narcissist I see, but sociopath? You’re just throwing things out there, right?

Cocaine in America.

One of the benefits of having grown up in the “hood” is a well developed and rational fear of cocaine in all its lily white manifestations. Among my peers one of our biggest worries was growing up to be a “crackhead”. Years of barbershop gossip, crack baby jokes, sensationalist news programs, rap songs, D.A.R.E. and

And by “hip and edgy” you mean representative of modern youth culture. I mean, those are the characters, it feels real to me.

That’s actually what he said.

Nahha, liberals do watch, they just don’t watch as much as right wingers. Not to be classist, but FOX news gets such great ratings because their lower class views watch A LOT more TV. We can’t compete because we are also doing other things like working, playing, reading, making art and engaging in local activism. I’ll

So it’s basically some bullshit. Having the black guy be the smartest? Nahh!!

C’mon, nothing wrong with MTA workers but having the only black member be the non-scientist is pretty typical. It was the same with the original. It’s pretty blatant.

Yeah, but saying her “femaleness” would help her does more to “reduce her to her uterus” than Killer Mikes comment.

How did he reduce her to her uterus? It seems he did the opposite: Affirmed that candidates CANNOT be reduced to their sex organs. We have to take them based on policies, ideas and actions. Hillary’s campaign is doing more to reduce her to her uterus than anyone.

That’s an odd concept of “reduction”. Sex organs are one of those things that distinguish “males” from “females”. He didn’t reduce her to her uterus he simply pointed out that having one is irrelevant to being president. In other words, it’s her actions and policies that matter. If anything he was affirming that you

You’re pretty much saying people’s views and perspectives are not influenced by gender status and identification. That seems to be a bit silly. The idea that a woman is likely to have a unique perspective on gender issues because she’s a woman is hardly essentialist.

Lack of humanity? The dude is rude but we aren’t talking about extreme ethical violations here. Sheesh!

Geez, why the hate? There is nothing wrong with the first two items on your “breakdown”. He’s an artist. He wants to spend money designing his own line, fine. That is not an ethical or behavioral issue.

We aren’t just talking about some wife, this is a family and their name are the Kardashians!