
C’mon, who wouldn’t be driven mad by the Kardashians!

Always? It’s almost like you’ve known the guy all his life.

Are you kidding? He seems to be all three, all at once. Did you see the video where he played the trailer for the video game about his dead mother. Tell me he ain’t sad or distressed or overwhelmed.

Oh, screw that narrative. He was pretty humble and self-aware when he first came on the scene. I’d say it’s really been the last six years that we’ve seen this sort of “godly narcissism” emerge.

They’re a handful themselves. I mean, either they attract the crazy or they make em’ crazy.

Right, and it was silly and dumb. However, they actually articulated a clear political stance over an extremely divided issue at the time. Beyonce is doing art. For them to interpret her art the way they do, well...I actually think that shows how powerful her art is and how it really reveals people’s thoughts and

The ending was fine. It’s the journey that matters any way.

Yeah, but this is many grades different. The song and video do not advocate violence in any way and Beyonce has not made any explicit statement about political matters. To connect her song/video with violence takes connecting 10^10 number of dots. It really is impressive.

Yeah, only under the threat of force. That’s pretty much equivalent to an arrest.

So, it’s really down to state of mind. What state of mind must someone be in before they can give consent? Clearly, admiring your “suitor” too much can be seen as problematic. At least in this case. I mean, if the issue is unequal power, we aren’t talking about the sort of power one has when they put a gun to your

White liberals are always a bit more forgiving of their “heroes”. Are you this ambivalent about R.Kelly? And don’t argue that the “culture” had changed by then, because it hadn’t/hasn’t.

It’s interesting, but those who were similarly ambivalent about Cosby were pretty much dismissed.

Except this blog is all about white women. The idea that black men trump white women on this blog is beyond ludicrous and a clear example of how white privilege clouds the mind and senses. However, it is a feminist blog so I don’t expect men, any sort of men to trump women, white or not. It’s just that thinking that

Who? Umm, the white people who run the whole show. Well, not sure if they should be deciding what is artistically best. Nonetheless, they are the gatekeepers and the ultimate legitimators of art. The point is, don’t act ignorant about who makes these decisions. This isn’t some pure meritocracy. It has interests that

That’s the point! She didn’t work her ass off to get where she is. It was pretty much handed to her gift wrapped. Hell, the Kardashians worked harder than her. They really made something out of nothing.

It was definitely not a well deserved win.

I get a since that’s always been about popularity.

Ohhhhh....It’s not a reward for quality but popularity. I get it!

White privilege Trumps all.

Are women required to support and stand up for every single woman out there?