
I love you, internet stranger.

True story - the actor who played Chunk is actually a lawyer now!


Ugh. Their family is super connected and LA insiders. They have a brother who manages bands as well. Maroon 5 among them, if I’m not mistaken.

10/10 would watch Paula Hornberger spin-off.

AND the president is an Ivy League-educated attorney, people. I think he of all people knows what is and isn’t blindly pardonable!

BINGO. I think the car scenario is dead on.

I think it’s possible that both Steven Avery was involved in her murder AND law enforcement acted in an unethical - actually CRIMINAL - manner by planting additional evidence to make sure they “nailed him.” I don’t know why so many people think these things are mutually exclusive.

Ed Hardy-ish gigantic bird of prey.

Sigh. I didn't know I wanted this so badly, and I'm sad now knowing I'll never have it!

There was a reality show about young women who wanted to become nuns!

Made me sad. I hope they at least spring for the good stuff!

Typo. Should read “Mass cards.”

Well, David, one thing I do know is that the combed-out tumbleweed on your head looks thirsty as fuck.

I thoroughly apologize for my remark. It was insensitive to those who identify with pirate culture.

The dad is hysterical. I liked that they weren’t poking fun at Native Americans - quite the opposite. They were in on the joke and the parents were shown to be caring, hardworking, smart people. Jacqueline was the misguided, rude character.

You're a treasure.

Yeah, nothing about Ross is a “moistmaker.” Shudder.