Have you seen him in Miami Blues? I’m just... like...amazed that a man can look that good. What is Young Alec Baldwin? Is he a warlock?
Have you seen him in Miami Blues? I’m just... like...amazed that a man can look that good. What is Young Alec Baldwin? Is he a warlock?
Jackie Kennedy Onassis was a shit person that only cared about money and bullied her daughter about her weight. Her biggest accomplishment, redecorating the white house, was done with the help of amphetamines abuse. Loving Jackie Kennedy Onassis is equivalent to liking Donald Trump (imho).
I still would. I CAN’T HELP IT.
That’s fucked up and I am picturing the kids on the editorial board laughing about it. In my head they are all wearing blazers and loafers and look like Paul Ryan.
Cornell, my alma mater, is a private land-grant university meaning that generally, tuition is astronomical but they have big in-state tuition discounts for certain subsidized programs, which is how my family could afford to send me there. The school paper always prints a fake edition on April 1, but I was so stressed…
I can’t think of anything, but my daughter has her first semi formal school dance tonight and she’s not the most popular kid by far, so I keep envisioning some horrible Carrie-style prank and it’s driving me insane.
Please, please...stop. Oprah is great and all but, just....no. No more celebrity presidents. Like ever. I never thought I’d live to say this but I want a professional politician back in charge. Not just someone “from the tee-vee.”
One of the best, most powerful episodes of Roseanne was about this. They were totally honest with the kids too.
Bill Cosby sucks, but Cliff and Clair Huxtable are my parenting idols.
It really hit me when we had to do class projects in 3rd grade and I did mine on the Titanic because the movie had just come out so it was easy to obtain magazines and information about it. I made a replica Titanic out of a empty plastic cat food container because that’s all there was around my house. At the time I…
Ha! Wasting good corn on an injury would have gotten me spanked!
I think actual poor kids always know they are poor.
I can’t remember when I first realized we were in the upper middle class (dad’s a prominent attorney, mom was in entertainment business), but I do remember my parents clearly teaching me that their money is THEIR money. I was being a snotty 13 year old and begging my mom for the latest trendy jeans - they were like…
When I was in the fifth grade and Joshua Winstead told everyone that his mother had made sure to invite everyone in our grade to his birthday except me because my family couldn’t possibly afford a good enough gift for her precious baby’s big day.
As someone who used to babysit rich kids in CT, I agree. They don’t know any different. Everyone else involved in their lives is rich or help and kids don’t assume the help is poor. Even the moms would forget sometimes and give me some time off to “hang with my friends” while we were on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard…
When I had to lie to my mother about how hungry I was because there wasn’t enough food for the both of us.
I have no memory of not knowing we weren’t poor. My only memories are of realizing how acutely poor we actually were. i.e. My dad lining up at a construction site, hoping he’d get hired for the summer. And him doing that until he was 60. Then, having to take an $8/hr job where he was lowered into the ground in a cage…
Spoiler alert you grew up rich. The evidence I used was trips to Europe and Private college.