Am I the only one who blinks a bit at seeing the victim described as an “old man”? I mean, he looks to be about my age and that’s totally not old!
Am I the only one who blinks a bit at seeing the victim described as an “old man”? I mean, he looks to be about my age and that’s totally not old!
It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.
I feel like this is VERY Dean Martin advice.
You still have to keep the glasses chilled, otherwise the vermouth tastes flat.
How else are you supposed to keep the cocktails chilled between courses?
Fixed width font is where it’s at stop plus you always feel like you’re talking in old timey telegram speech stop
Wow, thanks - because if there’s one thing this day needed, it’s another reminder of how fucking old I am.
He asked for the baseball champs to visit and was confused when Honus Wagner wasn’t there.
If it is, I’m sure it’s half a penny compared to the thousands of dollars the average household shovels into antiquated fighter jets kept alive by a single provincial Congressperson and $5000 Pentagon hammers every year.
Obviously they won’t go. No one in the NBA supports a travel ban.
Wow, that sounds inviting: St. Louis in the dead of summer, Lance Berkman, and a stadium full of passionate Christians.
I dunno; seems pretty hard-hitting to me.
That’s why I don’t watch the local news. Nothing but endless puff pieces.
Moblike behavior would be retaliating against someone who posted a picture to mock you online. Fucking grow a pair, Anthony. You lost, mate. Suck it up. Seeking disciplinary action over a harmless joke? Really? It’s not slanderous in any way. If anything, the soon-to-be-former mayor’s actions are completely deserving…
Gotta learn to speak baseball language
Along with the other 99 percent of America, I would never have known that this was not Cleveland.
I got
Raspberry #1? BLASHPEMOUS, look, Raspberries are the goddamn worst.