Are you sure teaching her to interrupt you was a good idea? That’s a bad habit to let a kid get into...
Are you sure teaching her to interrupt you was a good idea? That’s a bad habit to let a kid get into...
No, the post says that it’s the transportation company looking into why the train was there, which implies they knew it was their fault. And if you read the source article, it’s definitely not the race organizers’ fault:
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
The bonus to using a VPN and watching the CBC or BBC coverage is that the commentary (when they have it) tends to be far superior. Obviously it will depend on the sport but American commentary on unfamiliar sports seems to often be so repetitive, explaining the gameplay/rules/basic flow so often that it makes me feel…
I mean, I know I get weirdly crazy about the Olympics every 4 years, but I didn’t realize how much until I read every. single. word. of this post. And didn’t feel like I wasted my time. I think I may need an intervention.
Seriously, Disney World is one of the reasons why I’m never going to have kids. I am NOT going to deal with this kind of nightmare of a vacation.
I had this on the TV in the background with no sound and when I saw her finishing up her run, I assumed the 2-3 falls to the track after the collision/whatever was because she was injured. I couldn’t tell if it was her knee, ankle, maybe just a calf cramp, or what but never saw her grab anything in pain. Now I guess I…
I was there last night and it was, indeed, a blast. Everyone was just so happy.
Our last night of vacation in Reykjavik was last night. They have huge screens set up in parks all over the city and I’m pretty sure EVERYONE was there. The tourist shops and restaurants weren’t shut down but they probably could have without anyone noticing. There was celebrating in the streets for several hours…
Hubby and I happened to be vacationing in Reykjavik this week. They have big screens set up all over the city for watching the games and we went down to one of them last night. Probably 5000+ at just this spot. It was one of the more amazing things I’ve seen. Wish I knew what they were chanting though.
Because they’re suing him for breach of contract, and as part of that are trying to get a temporary restraining order to stop him from racing while wearing New Balance gear. I don’t know if he might be able to race in the meantime wearing other brands, or covering up NB logos, or what, but then NB would be mad because…
You can pull off a surprise proposal using a cheap-but-pretty ring (like, $50) that she can wear when you guys honeymoon in a dangerous location like Cancun so she doesn’t risk bringing her diamond. Then you say, “I thought we could pick out a nice diamond ring together” and that’ll be the first thing you do as an…
Every single rescue organization and shelter we dealt with last year when searching for our current cats had stipulations in the adoption agreements that you would not declaw the cat, and that if you felt that was the only option the rescue would gladly take the cat back to rehome it. I’m guessing this is also another…
Here’s a thing that happens at my company (we use Exchange). Enough people at my company have figured out that if you’re not allowed to send a distribution list, you can instead click the little + box to expand it to all the individual names, and then send out your email that way.
I prefer the stick version as opposed to retractable, but this one is close enough!
I prefer the stick version as opposed to retractable, but this one is close enough!
My parents are in their 70’s and do a lot of tour vacations - think cruises on European rivers, guided tours in South America, etc. The tours are filled mostly with 65-year-old+ travelers. When they went to China, even though authentic cuisine was a selling point of the trip, the tour made it a point to have a…
Commander William Adama, Battlestar Galactica:
My husband applied for a QA job at 38 Studios that spring of 2010. (Coincidentally, he was working for IBM at the time.) Hubby had been conducting a ton of interviews for positions open in his own group and knew that a person with all the skills and experience they were asking for in the job description simply didn’t…
My husband’s gmail account is listed as “compromised,” but honestly I know that he knows better than to sign up with his main email address. Considering the username is a common first initial-last name and he gets scads of misdirected emails and account signups from people who are convinced it’s their own email…