Probably won't hurt the counter (depending on material) but almost certainly will destroy your knives.
Probably won't hurt the counter (depending on material) but almost certainly will destroy your knives.
It always looks so easy on video, and indeed, when I fold the sheets that go on the full-size guest bed, it's a piece of cake. Folding a king-size sheet, on the other hand, often ends up in me tangled up in swaths of fabric desperately trying to get the elastic unwrapped from around my neck.
I mentioned to Will upthread, but I have managed to have both a Heady Topper and a Pliny the Elder in the last week. (Hubby pulls off some pretty good trades.) I would honestly rate them about equally.
I've managed to have both a Heady Topper AND a Pliny the Elder within the last week, and they are pretty equivalent. Both very, very, very tasty.
I have the Kindle Voyage. I paid to get rid of the ads after Christmas and it actually made a huge difference. Here's the thing - when you hit the power button to wake up the Kindle (or open the cover if you have one of the magnetic ones), if you have special offers, then you have to swipe to unlock, just like with a…
I have the Kindle Voyage. I paid to get rid of the ads after Christmas and it actually made a huge difference.…
Thanks for mentioning the OEC Artista Zynergia Artamas. I saw it on a menu the other night and was intrigued, but I didn't have time to look it up online so I went for something I knew I would like. After your description I think I will pass.
Jesus, does Howard Johnson's even still exist??
Sorting by date, it appears that exactly 3 of their Yelp reviews are from before this incident, and the other 999 were added in the last 2 days. Granted, those 3 prior reviews were also 1-star, so it's not like people liked them then either, but it's not like they have thousands of actual customers writing all these…
Wait, you're on Untappd? I thought you didn't use it. Edit: I found you! And added you! I hope you say yes!
The "Start with a clean slate... but not too clean" tip is sooooooo so true. We have cleaners that come to our house every other week or so, and I always waffle between whether I'd prefer them to come just before a party to make the house look shiny or just after. And then I remember - after is always better. We do…
I'm picturing a platter with a glass dome on it, that she just had to lift up to grab one. I would imagine there were signs but that doesn't mean she even thought about reading them.
Oh, Will, speaking of bad flavored beers, do yourself a favor and try the Shipyard Gingerbread beer. I tried a sample at TGIFriday's (shut up) and it was seriously the worst beer I have ever had. I'd love to read your takedown of it.
You know that Whalom is a whole mess of condos now, right? I get so depressed whenever I drive by there.
The Abbey used to have one TV, but when they remodeled/expanded late last year, it got taken down and never put back up. I can't say I generally miss it when I'm there. The place is horribly hipster and I'm sure if you ever actually go there it will give a lot of fodder for your column, but we like it!
You must have tried Armsby Abbey first, right, with no TVs? Hubby and I go there a lot. Give it a chance when you don't need to be watching a game.
The trick with finding the BCBS in stores (even the rarer variants) is not to try the big-ass fancy liquor stores that are known to have incredible beer selections (ie, Julio's), but the medium-sized townie places that sell a crapload of BudLight and other InBev products. Due to their volume the distributors will give…
Will, if you're ever "out west" in Hudson, MA, give the Rail Trail a try. Sort of a combo of a beer bar and a fancy cocktail bar, very well-informed bar staff, and they make incredible flatbread pizzas with a wonderful ambiance.
As a lady, this story still made me cringe. But then, I have no kids so can't compare it to that sort of pain. I do have an IUD and plan to keep getting this sucker replaced till I get old enough where I don't need it anymore. Hubby can get a vasectomy if he wants but he's never gonna need it.
At Extreme Beer Fest, they were doing extremely small pours of it. Like 3/4 oz, maybe. That was the first time I had it, and then had another two oz. serving at a friend's house recently. But I have the same reaction as everyone else. I wouldn't buy a bottle, but if I'm in the mood for a sipping drink ala scotch or…