
In 4th grade my best friend finished 2nd or 3rd overall in the 1-mile run. The gym teacher was convinced that she must have skipped a lap and made her run one more (she still finished before many of the other girls.) She was so mad.

I feel like Clown Shoes has had to change the names of a LOT of their beers recently. I think they've been running into copyright/trademark issues.

As I mentioned above, I love the Biscotti Break. Definitely "worth the effort."

It was NOT a waste of money. Biscotti Break is a wonderful, delicious stout. I say this as someone whose favorite stout is Founder's Breakfast, if that gives you a frame of reference.

I can hardly complain about all the sales, because I gladly drink the beer he buys. "Honey, is Julio's having another sale? I'm out of Dirty Bastard." "I'm sure they are. I'll check tomorrow." And voila, appears my beer!

What was number 1?

There is ALWAYS a sale. At least, that is what my husband keeps telling me.

Sounds like Yuengling here in Massachusetts before they finally started distribution this year. Everyone loved it and people would bring back cases of it when they went to NY and PA because you couldn't get it here.

Yeah, as Will said, Extreme Beer Fest has been around since 2003 although I think this year was the first time they did it at the Seaport since it had gotten so big. It was awesome, and we just got our tickets for next year. Can't wait.

I feel like it's the ABV requirements that will disqualify most craft brews, especially in that "B. Light" category.

The soul of TGI Friday's is obviously the TGI part, which they seem to be trying to distance themselves from. This is the logo they're switching over to gradually (my local Fridays has already changed their sign and gotten rid of all their red stripes).

I was able to try the Utopias at last year's Extreme Brew Fest. It was certainly interesting, but it also doesn't really taste like *beer*. Much more like a dessert wine, or maybe cognac or a cordial. Very different. I would not bother buying a bottle.

That's truly bizarre. Usually Mastercard/Visa are covered under the same processing agreements so there's absolutely no reason to take one but not the other. I can't even imagine the weird contracts they must have.

I had the most interesting beer a couple nights ago - Avery's The Kaiser. It's an Imperial Märzen. Pretty high ABV, tons of flavor. It was on tap at the Rail Trail in Hudson, MA, but I'll definitely be looking for it in bottles.

I compare it to Fashion seasons. All the winter clothes are in the stores now and I can't even find summer stuff on *clearance* anymore for my vacation in a few weeks. The first case of it I was remember was a few years back when the Sam Octoberfest was really good (some years it's better than others) and it was just

Do you have an opinion about Sapporo from a bottle vs. the big silver can?

Isn't this already the law? I'm pretty sure that whenever my local team is playing a Thursday or Monday night game that would otherwise be on cable, it's always broadcast on the local OTA network too.

Half right. Tshirts are fine for biking, but padded bike shorts are a must if you're doing anything longer than say a half-hour ride. Sorry about your eyes.

We only did Ommegang, mostly because we had also never been to the Baseball Hall of Fame so did that in the afternoon before getting back on the road. Next time we go out to PA we might plan more breweries on the way. And despite having never heard of them before, I am so very amused by Butternuts' website and the

I would read your book. Hubby and I deliberately took the long way around from MA to PA this summer so we could stop at Ommegang in Cooperstown, NY. That was a great brewery to visit.