Oh my god, yes. I may have to bring my bodyguard, but a Massachusetts Drunkspin Society sounds like a damn good time.
Oh my god, yes. I may have to bring my bodyguard, but a Massachusetts Drunkspin Society sounds like a damn good time.
I think that is one of those clear-cut "they got it wrong" times. A burger, especially. Hell, they probably served you someone else's burger.
LOL. I've called them out on in after the server leaves, but not while they're still in the process of ordering. If I've made it clear I think it's a shitty thing to do and they keep doing it, I'll just make excuses to not go out to lunch with them anymore.
But what if I have an allergy, and I didn't notice that the ingredient WAS listed on the menu, and then it came out and everything was fine other than the fact that it has this thing I'm allergic to and I just can't read? Can I send it back then?
SERIOUSLY. Sam Octoberfest started coming on the taps the very first week of August. It's not fashion, people. You don't really want to be a whole season ahead!!
Speaking of Hennepin, you did know that Ommegang recently bought Boulevard, right? In any case, I find the Tank 7 has far more availability in this area (I'm a Central Mass girl) than most Ommegang beers. You see it on tap a lot around here, whereas you rarely see any of the Ommegangs besides some of the specialty…
Could be a significant other who doesn't mind the intrusion.
If it's the bulkhead at the very front of the plane, that's true, but sometimes the wall only goes down to about 12" above the floor if it's actually the divider between coach and business class. THOSE bulkhead seats are worth getting for tall folks cause you can still slide your feet under them.
You should see the rotary in the town where I grew up. It used to be a real, working rotary, that scared the hell out of me when I was learning how to drive, but goddammit that intersection was a good teacher. Now it's monstrosity of an intersection with like 6 traffic lights and a million and a half signs and god…
Yes, you definitely should overcome that bias, because the number of delicious beers we had there was incredible. Stuff you'd mostly never be able to buy here in MA, either because they don't distribute here or they just don't bottle it at all, it's a keg-only special. I don't remember there being a particular…
There is a MUCH BETTER middle ground between real clams and canned. Frozen. We find them in the seafood freezer that's usually next to seafood counter in most local grocery stores. It's what hubby uses for his linguini with clam sauce. Better than canned, much much easier than live.
I was reading the next day that in Maine, fest-goers are technically limited to 48oz of beer total for the duration of the event. So it's not even a "can you drink enough beer to make it worth it" but a "you are paying $21+ each for 3 pints" situation which is.. less good. But I don't know if that was actually adhered…
Amazing the things that stick with you. I probably haven't listened to "One More Minute" in 20 years but I was able to sing along with every single lyric while watching that YouTube vid. Dare to Be Stupid was such a great album.
The buttons are a big thing for me when I throw my Nook in a waterproof bag and bring it in the pool with me. Technically the touchscreen works through the bag but it's unreliable. So if I end up getting a Kindle for the better screen and software, I'm keeping the Nook around for vacation.
The buttons are a big thing for me when I throw my Nook in a waterproof bag and bring it in the pool with me.…
Was thinking about this too but there's no indication of when the next version will be. I feel like this is just cheap enough now that I can upgrade anyway later this year if the next one has features that are worth it.
Was thinking about this too but there's no indication of when the next version will be. I feel like this is just…
I disagree about the need for touchscreen. I prefer physical page-turn buttons but the ability to just tap and hold to select a word to look up, or when navigating menus, is far far more convenient than using a joystick/arrow buttons etc. I've held out for a long time with my Nook Simple Touch (which has both the…
I disagree about the need for touchscreen. I prefer physical page-turn buttons but the ability to just tap and hold…
Four out of the seven quarterfinal games so far have gone into overtime. Is this normal for the World Cup?
Holy crap. I feel like I could handle the insides okay, since that's just following instructions mostly, but that icing job looks incredible. I could never in a million years get it to come out that way. Nice work.
What does this mean, that the girl "did her stage" at the restaurant? From the context it sounds like some kind of chef-residency the way doctors do, or maybe more like student teaching where it's the last thing you do before graduating chef school? I've never heard the term before so I'm curious.
Tapatia in Marlboro does them (http://latapatiataqueria.com/), they're not technically "fast food" but do a pretty brisk take-out business I think. I find it hard to believe there isn't anywhere in Worcester that could do a torta for you.