
The impression I had was the year before he had to take time off, which means he missed actual practices. This year he attended everything he had an obligation to attend, ran the marathon on an official day off, and was back at work the very next day.

Did you read the article where it said that he had served sentences of several weeks and up to 90 days numerous times? That he had been convicted dozens of times? That they had combined several charges into one "conspiracy" charge not once, but twice, where he served sentences of 18 months? (That they had enough

We've chatted with so many bartenders who complain about the frozen drinks on Mother's Day. So many frozen margaritas or daquiris or mudslides and they're a pain to make and clean up after (these would be the places that don't have those big Oasis machines and just use blenders instead.) So I would add that if you

I've lived in Massachusetts my whole life and never heard of such a thing. Please elaborate.

Completely agree with the Negro Modelo at the top of this list. I also agree with those that are saying Victoria would have been #2 if you could have found some. Also, I was in Playa del Carmen last year over Cinco de Mayo, and it was a COMPLETE non-event there in Mexico. I was expecting maybe the usual happy hour

As I was reading your post I realized that you're probably right. I haven't done as much reading as it sounds like you have, but I completely believe that there was probably some kind of "incident" that may have caused the tear for my sister. In any case, I think they really use the term "spontaneous" to differentiate

Did you have a clot that dislodged that caused the stroke? I'm wondering if that's the difference. Allen's may have just been the dissection and subsequent narrowing of the artery instead of an actual blockage?

Allen suffered "a carotid artery dissection, a tear in the layers of the artery wall that supplies oxygen to the brain—an injury that occurs in a small percentage of high-speed motor vehicle accidents."

I know how to fold fitted sheets (I use this method, only my "folding table" is called "the floor" [it's clean]) On the sheets that are on our guest bed, a reasonably-sized double, it's a piece of cake. My king-sized sheets, on the other hand, take like 30 freaking minutes to fold cause it takes so long to find the

I'm glad you clarified about being a paramedic because otherwise this comment was going to be super gross.

Hubby makes his linguine with clam sauce basically this exact way but puts fresh tomatoes in his, near the end I assume (I don't cook, all I know is that they don't really disintegrate or anything,). He gets many, many compliments when he makes it for a potluck.

One more advantage that I can see, men have a much larger lung capacity than women do, which can greatly affect athletic performance. I can't imagine this would change even with hormone therapy, although admittedly I have nothing to back that up, so if there is evidence to the contrary I'll gladly back off.

I have an extra account *cough*or two*cough* that I use for sending myself lives and tickets in Candy Crush that has had a re-design for quite a while now. I had been waiting for it to get rolled out to everyone else but I guess that won't be happening. It's similar to this but the left hand bar is even more

Seriously amazing.

You sound like you might actually know what you're talking about. What the heck are you doing here?

The ITA Matrix is even better, IMO (same data, since Google owns ITA, but different interface). Several different views including the calendar with prices on it. For booking my boss's business travel, the "Time Bars" view is INCREDIBLY useful. The filters are many and easy to use. It's the only website I visit when

The tornadoes are THE WORST. Stay strong... once you're done with that episode, the tornadoes rarely come back. (I'm finished at level 515 so have felt your pain.)

I got Mr. Seli the "Magnificent Multitude of Beer" print for Christmas (same size as this one) (oh, the same one they linked to in the article, duh) and now thinking this one may be a good companion to hang on the other side of the stairwell...

It is not legally required to volunteer that information on a traffic stop here in MA. In fact, I was advised both when taking the safety class prior to getting my LTC and also during a class we took later about "The Art of the Concealed Carry" (taught by a gun rights advocate and a lawyer who specialized in gun