Selena MacIntosh

They’re good dogs, Brent.

Thank god we have a victim-blaming man’s opinion here! I mean, if only she’d look into it a bit more, she’d see that the men have it just as bad! Oh well, what more can we expect from some “moron” who just wants to be treated like a human being?

Why is the word “exploitation” in quotes in this post’s title? That implies that Aminatou was not exploited as the Angry Black Woman stereotype … which implication also contradicts the rest of your title. However – as we discussed last night at some length — she was exploited as that stereotype (not

“Handmaid’s Tale aside, she doesn’t have the literary chops to be so full of herself.”

Tom Brady I don’t know why you created a burner to respond to me but you can go fucking CHOKE

Hillary is so bad you guys, can’t vote for her.

+100 points for “JarJar”

Bet Javanka were genuinely confused when Richards turned down that sweet deal.

I send that to women because it’s easier emotionally to get them to dump me first.

JEZ WRITERS. For god’s sake, my 14-year-old can distinguish between Gen X and Boomers. Why is this so difficult for you?

PS the kid has no patience for Millennial faffing around either. I think you guys better watch out. This generation is as big as you and really, really has no patience.

Ashley and anyone else who didn’t work for GMG at the time of the election.

This was pulled out of the greys because someone was amused by this as performance art, right?

Biden is more popular among Democrats. I guess Sanders can run a third party campaign. Maybe he can get tips from Jill Stein.

OMG thank you. How would have ever SURVIVED WITHOUT YOUR TRUTH TELLING????

Not everyone turns their campaign book into a year plus egotistical pity party that regularly makes news when they relitigate the election at promo stops.

So... when he’s in the primary, you fight - hard - for a more progressive candidate. If he wins the primary anyway, you vote for him and you fight - even harder - for him to win the general. Then you work within your party for progressive values next time round. And you keep working, and keep voting. And repeat. This

Where are these dealers who lace their weed with more expensive stuff because I’ve been smoking for 20 years and never found one who is willing to rip himself off for no profit but I’d like to find that guy!

People lacing cannabis with other drugs almost never happens. And if it does, the person knew they were adding another substance to their own weed to get high. Laced weed is basically a myth.

My take, regarding the gateway: anyone I’ve known who crossed the gateway were going to dive through it, weed or no.