
Yeah, well what if I don’t drive and only drink from primitive glass wear that I make in my homemade kiln fired by deadfall trees that’s out next to my organic garden watered by a rainwater barrel and fertlized with the collected dropping and left over shells from my free-range chickens?

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that was Lorde at first.

How about; “hahahahahaha *inhale* hahahahahahaha” ??

A theme park turned prison in a dystopian state run by a conservative despot sounds like the final chapter in the Snake Plissken trilogy: Escape From Orlando.

Have you been watching the national press? He’s having a bad time. Dude’s presidential ambitions are dead.

DeSantis is about to have a bad time.

“As we’ve seen before, Hollywood holds Black celebrities to a much different standard when it comes to codes of acceptable conduct. Time and time again, we’ve seen how Black men suddenly become martyrs...

I find it distracting how much Marilyn Manson looks like Marilyn Manson.

I find it distracting how much Nic Cage looks like Marilyn Manson.

Purple just means “Bad Mother fucker”

Purple means Samuel Jackson gets what Samuel Jackson wants.

My original understanding was that sith used synthetic crystals compared to jedi, that were more unruly/unstable, hence things like kylo ren’s vented lightsaber being a thing. The torturing a sentient crystal thing is indeed silly. If they explain the mechanics behind the dark saber, I hope they don’t use such a lame

Ant-Man 3, I think I was the only person that liked it”.

No discussion of “shittily-and-lazily-named-alien-creature-characters-with three-eyes” can exclude “Ree-Yees”.

See, I haven’t liked Shuri since the first Black Panther movie and Wakanda Forever didn’t change that opinion at all.  Basically every other Wakandan character is better than Shuri.

Dunkafleck doesn’t have quite the same panache as Dunkachino...

I want to know:  Will he have his name tattooed on his knuckles?