Thankfully, no.
Thankfully, no.
Top Gun with X-Wings. It’s such an obvious no-brainer I’m surprised they’re actually making it.
No, the prequels haven’t been “normalized” or redeemed. Showing them on regular cable a lot doesn’t make them better. Excusing them as “children’s films” or pointing out that Rise of Skywalker is worse doesn’t make them better or justify their low quality.
I like you.
Might’ve been the original title!
Now that is some good ol fashioned gibbrish right there I tell you what!
This has giant flop written all over it.
All I know is this movie better have Josh Brolin rushing into battle shouting “long live the duke” while carrying a dog.
My money is on her playing the Jabba the Hut monster in the spice tank from the Lynch movie.
Green Yoshi from Super Mario World 🙃
Plus Stewart’s run ended right as the world transitioned from ‘things are going downhill but it can be fixed’ to ‘everything’s on fire now but half of us don’t think fire is real’. Noah’s run ended right as the world decided fire is real but nostalgia, regression, were more important than solving anything.
It is so fucking weird to be on the other end of that span of time where nothing has changed in regard to police brutality, race relations, capitalism, etc.
You’re not alone. There’s dozens of people like you! Dozens!
Unfortunately, his Peloton instructor couldn’t hear Nolan’s response because the background music drowned out his words.
How can two guys and a girl even afford a pizza place in this economy?
tell it to Earth
Musk is human garbage. There. Saved you 30 minutes.
There Is no doubt that Kevin Bacon Is corrupt In this show.
Looks like even Serj (Serge?) is back. Bronson Pinchot always classes the place up.