One successful show that didn’t get cancelled 20 minutes later in the past 30 years? Nah. Sun shine’s on a dog’s ass every once in awhile. Not that he’s a dog’s ass, I genuinely like him, but shows he’s on will always have the lifespan of a Sean Bean character.
Ted McGinley has been a delight on Shrinking though and that show had a strong first season from beginning to end so I think his curse might be over
that’s exactly what i’m saying. her and keegan michael-key (though the renewal of shmigadoon might have broken the curse).
Why not? Jon Bernthal is universally liked and respected
Plus I don’t know about in the early going, but it seems to me most of the more recent relationships are the result of women reaching out to him. Kardashian in particular said she just wanted to hook up with the guy.
“What we don’t like is the idea that you might be using hot women as a vehicle for amassing more clout.”
Pete isn’t chasing clout, he’s buried under an avalanche of it emanating from the women he’s dated.
Can they at least ask Hugh Grant what he thinks?
It won’t be in Texas, Idaho, Florida, etc., where they’re hard at work banning textbooks.
Oh gosh, someone get Apple a banana. That bone broth is making her miserable.
This Gen X’er is here for it.
Agreed, but the last one was just....boring
When I went to see Isle of Dogs there were two young teens in the theatre who were discussing the movie after it was over. They were aware of Wes Anderson, but hadn’t seen anything else by him. I don’t think they really got what was so great about him. It got me thinking about times I’ve seen later films by great…
It looks like the most Wes Anderson thing that ever Wes Andersoned. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but I did chuckle when Jason Schwartzmann forgot how to speak when the subject of Scarlett Johansson’s nude scene came up, so I’m in.
Same for this Gen Xer.
Hell yeah, hook it to my veins.
Fuck the haters, I’m a millennial of a certain age and I am here for this shit.
Applesauce Bitch!
Wake me up when Fantastic Four comes out.