
This is precisely why I keep my purse/wallet/things I will need at my destination in the back seat of my car. I’m so paranoid that I’ll be going through the motions on autopilot and walk off.

Well said

I’ve had a day go past, and in the evening not being able to remember specifically what I did that day. It’s fricken eerie when it happens.

Also, most kids are now rearfacing until they’re at least two years old, which makes it more likely that they’ll fall asleep (not as much stimulating scenery to look at). And then when you get to wherever you think you were supposed to go, you look back and don’t see the cherubic face of your sleeping child, you see

I work from home and our daycare is close by so I take our baby to daycare. Sometimes my husband does if I’m sick or something so on those days I text him to ask how our baby was kinda as a reminder just in case he pulled an auto pilot.

I’ve forgotten to buckle my toddler. We got a couple blocks and he said, “Mommy, you didn’t buckle me.” I immediately pulled over and I was shaking. I apologized to him and thanked him for reminding me. I’m a single mom, I don’t get a lot of sleep, and mornings are the most stressful part of my day because we are

I know right? I ran a clover leaf on to the interstate yesterday, got preoccupied for a moment, and for a minute, I wasn’t sure which direction I was going. But this guy did it intentionally.

Exactly. I used to be my neice’s nanny, and one day ran around doing errands with her strapped to my back... and I totally forgot she was there until she woke up and started crying. I mean, she was on my BACK for chrissakes... so scary....

add sleep deprivation to that as well

I love my daughter more than anything I have ever loved. I would want to kill myself if I ever did anything to hurt her. And yet I could totally see me being the type of person who would do this. I’m very scatter-brained, and very often don’t remember the whole trip getting to work. I double-checked the car frequently

My parents alternated dropping me at daycare growing up, and there were definitely a few times where one of them got half way to work before realizing that baby-me was still in the backseat and not at daycare. A 6:00 AM commute and a toddler can really fuck up your memory. 

Right, and I think in the case of very young kids, there’s an added combination of parental sleep deprivation and the silent kid in the back. I don’t have kids, I have a very whiny dog that would NEVER let me forget her, but I have been sleep deprived during a terrible period of insomnia. If I drove instead of taking

I think Gene Weingartner wrote a piece on how people who completely don’t mean to do so, leave their kids in the car.

It’s also when your routine changes abruptly. Parent A usually take Little Timmy to daycare, but Parent A is sick today. Parent B decides to take Little Timmy instead, but on the way gets into rote motion of the day mode and totally forgot that they’re responsible for Little Timmy (who is quietly sleeping in the

Presumably your cats don’t wake you up every ninety minutes and scream for thirty minutes for an entire year. Exhaustion like that is how you forget your baby in the backseat.

...and now Waze has this reminder whenever you arrive at your location

These are kids; telling a trusted adult is not a “wasted step”, and it also allows her some accommodation from the school, so she doesn’t have to ride the same bus with him or whatnot. Give the girl a break- she did nothing wrong. No one can ever be a victim perfectly enough to meet everyone’s standards.

I’m guessing Anderson Cooper doesn’t find it interesting he’s a Vanderbilt, though. The conversation is probably boring as hell for him at this point. I can see crossing someone off your list for starting off so boringly. I certainly do with guys who start with, “You’re a girl! And you like geeky things! And you’re a

McConaughey looks hammered in that photo!! He’s the sober driver?! Yikes! If I didn’t know the context, I would have said he got drunk at the UT game, stole a golf cart and took some students on a joy ride.