
I honestly thought they were trying to tie in an Uber/Lyft angle the millennial starts as an unwitting accomplice just trying to make ends meet with a side job, but gets drawn in to this murder spree.

I saw Jake Gyllenhaal on some late night show recently, and he made a comment about Maggie being his favorite sibling. The host then asked if he had any others siblings, and he kind of awkwardly said he did. That made me curious about the other, are they in the entertainment industry too? maybe more

When I was a child, my dad had a cyst on the back/side his neck that started small but eventually grew to close to the size of a baseball. The reasons he allowed it to grow so big were:

are college freshmen adults, or kids just out of high school?

Yes! I hate when dads act like that! Moms may be better at doing the kid’s hair at a baseline, but that’s only because her “baseline” includes caring for herself. If the dad puts in a little bit of effort, he can catch up.

Scrolled down to say the same thing! I got engaged in Dec 2009, and married in Oct 2011—we didn’t really start planning until June 2011. It wasn’t a hollow gesture, we were definitely planning on getting married, but it takes a minute to figure out what kind of a wedding, budget, location, etc. Also, for us, it was

That’s actually the Time story mentioned in this article. It seems like we all (the author, you, me, probably many others) remember this kid being older than he was. I remembered him as being about 5, but he was really only 3!

Not really? The mesh part is pretty dense (but definitely still see-though), so it’s not a huge difference. Also, I wear them exclusively indoors, so no wind gusts or anything. I could imagine it might be different for someone who wears them outside running or something.

I have a pair of leggings with mesh panels, and I always feel so weird when I wear them. I bought them accidentally—I needed workout leggings, but am not stylish and also dislike shopping. When I went to the store, I grabbed a pair off the rack that was cheap and had a tame (not neon) pattern.

Agreed! I feel like he might be one of those people who don’t understand you can have a thought and not share it with everyone.

I started my first teaching job at 21 (though I turned 22 shortly after—I have a late August birthday). It’s actually not all that uncommon. If a teacher follows the “standard” path—graduate HS at 17/18, 4 years of college, then begin their career—it’s inevitable. (Actually, starting when I was 18 I was involved in

Just wanted to add my 2 cents (as a person who has insurance through my employer—so I don’t even have to deal with the hurdle of getting it in the first place).

Over the past year and a half, I’ve been in some pretty intense therapy, and I do the same thing. Typically, I have 3 sessions per week (individual, therapist-led group, and a support group). I dread going to these (basically, I’m going to have to be processing negative events from the past and afterward I have kind

I just found out he was 32 earlier this week. I saw the clip of him talking about how he was tired of being asked to pick up his trash when there are janitors for that. The caption said it was a speech in high 2002.

Yes! Bagel!

I’ve been following her for a little while, and she’s so likable that I’m afraid if I saw her walking down the street I would forget I don’t actually know her.

I blame Sister, Sister for the fact that I still (31 year old woman, apparently a functional adult) routinely mix up the words for “sweater” and “sweatshirt”.


Yep, I can’t understand why this affluent suburb thinks that it’s cool. You’d think there would be some embarrassment there.

To add a data point: