
That is exactly how I read it.

Am I the only one who read that headline as millennials would actually be driving the old vets to the place where they wanted to shot people, since the vets probably are to old to drive a car?

According to the title of this post, it’s about about a thirty something doing a good deed driving around a retiree on his deadly errands.

At first read, this headline had me imagining millennials running some kind of Uber for Vietnam vet mass shooters.

Most flashers in public don’t go on to hurt anyone either. As a society, we tend to think it’s pretty gross to do that and that people should keep their pants on unless they’re in a setting in which that’s expected.

I mean even if you’re asking for medical or breastfeeding advice I think it would be polite to ask if you can send an explicit pic. I guess the FB groups you might have a question but that’s not the same transaction

My standard for complimenting a woman’s appearance in the workplace is that I only say it if I would say the same thing to a man. Never steered me wrong. 

He bought a house for his mom and moved into the “basement” because he has mental health problems and they figured that’s the safest arrangement for him. You can make fun of him for the stupid shit he said at the college show he just did but snarking on him for this seems extremely in poor taste to me.

He lives with his mom, or his mom lives with him (semantics), because they both agree it’s what is needed for his mental health, and that  isn’t kind to be snarky about.

What we really need, is more tap breakdowns.

I used to be bothered by bad spelling, until I did an English degree and learnt that standardised spelling is a fairly recent innovation. Language is a constantly evolving thing, changing and developing to meet the communication needs of its users. English in particular is a glorious mutt of a language, which is why

Every time this discussion happens, the superb WaPo article is mentioned, and like clockwork there is a subset of commenters who think their brains are just simply wired better that the rest of us.

argued that his client fell victim to temptation

I kind of fell out of love with my significant other when they started locking kids in cages along the south edge of our property.

Some of them might be covered but if you’ve got one of the really common high deductible plans so many employers have gone to offering, it's almost like being uninsured. I have a 5k deductible, sure I'd get a small reduction for having insurance but it's rarely enough to make a dent in the cost of treatment. 

There are soooo many reasons. Fear of seeking help can be a big one. It’s contradictory, but the thought process is essentially “I’m afraid it’s cancer, and I feel better not knowing than knowing.” Lack of insurance or limited coverage can mean a patient may only be able to access an ER or walk in that is not meant

what are you going to do?

a lot of people (myself included) let something go too long because they’re scared/embarrassed.  Human psychology is weird.  Early detection/treatment is always better and yet ultimately I think a lot of us deep down truly think if we ignore something, it *might* go away.  Which actually is sometimes true.

Embarrassment, lack of insurance, unable to get a referral to a dermatologist, being told that there’s nothing to be done by a GP.

Representation matters. All too often men are shown to be clueless as fathers and we all chuckle along, or they are demeaned for seeming maternal and therefore unmanly, when all they are doing is actually parenting. Or they’re entirely absent or used as a sort of boogeyman for when a child has to be reprimanded. If