
Number of guests does not make a wedding more or less of a wank-fest.

Sounds like a company Tom Haverford came up with

I have a friend from Minnesota whose son is named “Axel,” but it’s a family name, they’re Scandinavian, and they live in Minnesota, so it’s cool.

Now that your party will have control over all three branches of government you won’t be able to blame the libtards anymore...sad.

I’ve never been her biggest fan, but the concept of not-voting for her was simply never an option. Even if I don’t always agree with her politics - though I will concede that she will actually change her positions over time, which is actually a positive, not a “flip-flop” - I never, ever considered her unfit for

Agreed. And the fact that the woman from this post caught them doing something as simple as walking their dog together also says a lot about how bullshit the narrative is that Bill and Hillary are only together for career reasons. These are real people, in a real marriage. It may have its problems, but so do the

Do you know you’re a royal tool, and if so, how?

So many emotions. Hill is so fucking cool. Bill is so proud. My god did someone hug Tim Kaine? Please tell me Tim Kaine is getting a real good hug 24/7.

I find likeability as a presidential metric to be one of those childish as fuck things that people point to when they have nothing else of substance to say.

She got more votes than he did.

It’s funny because she won the popular vote anyway.

I don’t get this way of thinking at all. Here’s the thing, if someone says “white people fucked up by doing insert stupid thing here” and you didn’t do that stupid thing then why are you upset? No one is talking about you.

There aren’t enough hours in the day to work your way through school anymore. Tuition costs have risen enormously, and wages have not.

I dont think this shows the difference between a broke and a ‘rich’ budget, I think it shows the difference between dreaming and reality.

I mean, I can get MY insurance down pretty low... but then I have to include my wife’s in the budget as well. Not to mention that our insurance just went up roughly $20/month because we just had a kid.

And then there’s the stuff this spreadsheet is missing.... doctor’s visits/healthcare.  

And what would you like to tell the women who cannot end a life threatening pregnancy because their life doesn’t matter as much as a fetus? What would you like her to tell her children? Or will you just sit back and judge like you’re doing right now, with no knowledge or information framing your opinions aside from


Yes because adoption rates are through the roof and republicon legislatures are totally expanding post-natal care and support for women who want to keep the child but can’t due to economic reasons.

That’s the point. Passion and dedication WERE alienating 40 years ago, 20 years ago, etc., especially from a woman and a wife who should ‘know her place,’ so she had to change to be accepted as a politician’s wife.