
Yes, but it’s a MALE helicopter, which is sooooo much better then those emasculating, browbeating female ones. It also fits perfectly into the “silent dad” narrative, where kids like he was in the sixties grew up watching Bambi’s dad stare at him from a crag, then run off, as the epitome of good parenting. Do one

Ah yes, a community coming together selflessly to create a society whose whole is greater than its parts. That famous hallmark of libertarianism.

Really. It’s not “pussy” that was so offensive; it was “grab.” Why are these idiots so dense?

How about you don’t grab them anywhere. Not the pussy, the brain, or anything in between.

The article says she quit being Angie’s nanny when she was 3. How likely is it that she knows anything about the parents much less Angie and Brad?

I disagree with someone who was once held in a position of trust by a child using them to make a buck via tabloids.

Can’t stand people that use the word ‘journey’ meaning something other than just a trip.

Excuse me, I am very proud of my half-assed workouts where I barely sweat and quit after 20 minutes.

See, people think this, but let me tell you it’s actually a huge pain in the ass. I have a fucking degree in child development and 10+ years of teaching experience, but I have had to explain to every teacher my kid has ever had that I was not a 14-year-old mom or they treat me like an idiot. When my daughter was

Well, that’s socialization for you right there. White men are taught not to put up with such behavior. Women are usually taught to keep their mouths shut. And maybe smile more.

I’ve had the inverse happen to me- once in HS I was babysitting my cousin at the pool. Some black kids nearby were making a ruckus and the white lifeguard came over to tell me to control my children. Both me and the misbehaving kids stopped and gave him the stink-eye as I explained that no they weren’t mine, I was 17

Really? I feel like that was probably just being polite, not anything else. A good proportion of Westerners probably expect Westernised cutlery when flying on Asian airlines. If you desperately wanted chopsticks you would have been given them. You would just have had to ask.

It’s the primary reason why I hate looking younger than I am. Everyone tells me I’ll appreciate it when I’m much older, but at work it’s always made me feel like I’m not taken seriously.

My experience with Delta, as a brown lady. Three years ago, flying from a meeting in Detroit to SF, standing in the premier line. Gate agent repeatedly tries to shoo me out of the line a good 10 minutes before boarding was going to start. Mind you he approached none of the other (white, male) passengers in the

He won the Nobel Prize in Literature, so whether his songs are about peace or not is irrelevant.

I don’t think the Nobel for Literature has anything to do with the one for peace.

Biff. Smitty. “Boob.” Lath. Bushy.

A lot of older women are afraid of the longevity of that situation.

I’m a teacher. I can take my saved up sick time as maternity leave. When I started teaching at age 21, my lead teacher told me to save as many sick days as possible so I could actually get paid if I ever got pregnant. This was SHOCKING to me...but now at 30, seems very good advice.

ah, the good ole “well I did x, so you should be able to do x as well.”